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Kamila, Kristy & Heidi ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos February 2017.

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6 hours ago, meran said:

RLC cant pay them enough to live so Kami and Kristy has to go to those paid dates and visits and those so called modeling  trips  to earn enough to live, 
Not saying she is escorting so though this sounds like one. 

This is how they survive so even if we complain nothing is going to change. When they get settled they will leave RLC and live their normal life. 

People who think RLC is real life are living in dreams because in real life people dont live under cameras knowing there are people masturbating while watching them. 
RLC is a soft porn website with fake real life just like reality kings is hard corn reality porn website. 

Its good to imagine its real but in the end its not. they know they are being watch and people are paying to watch them roam around naked in the apartment and if people are paying and they dont get something they are going to complain . 

So let them complain and if you are happy on what you get stay happy . Everyone has a choice and everyone has a different sense of satisfaction for the amount of money they spent. 

OMG! it's not real?! russian mafia must force them to perform before cams! sb call police, pls!


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6 hours ago, meran said:

RLC cant pay them enough to live so Kami and Kristy has to go to those paid dates and visits and those so called modeling  trips  to earn enough to live, 
Not saying she is escorting so though this sounds like one. 

This is how they survive so even if we complain nothing is going to change. When they get settled they will leave RLC and live their normal life. 

People who think RLC is real life are living in dreams because in real life people dont live under cameras knowing there are people masturbating while watching them. 
RLC is a soft porn website with fake real life just like reality kings is hard corn reality porn website. 

Its good to imagine its real but in the end its not. they know they are being watch and people are paying to watch them roam around naked in the apartment and if people are paying and they dont get something they are going to complain . 

So let them complain and if you are happy on what you get stay happy . Everyone has a choice and everyone has a different sense of satisfaction for the amount of money they spent. 

another newbie that does not know what he is talking about. Also coming real close to saying the girls are the p word. Of course the girls work on and off at modeling jobs as far as we know. They need money to live just like anyone else. RLC is not a soft porn site. It is a voyeur site. There is a difference. Some of the tenents have outyside jobs and some work at home.By the way we know this is not true real life. A few of the apts come damn close to it though.

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9 hours ago, cgehlen2309 said:

Wow, katya! Styling without end and then hairy armpits ???

From what I have heard in the past European women are not as concerned about armpit hair as american women are. That was quite awile ago so things may have changed a little. Besides what is wrong with a little hair as long as it is not a bush?

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2 minutes ago, Snakeater said:

another newbie that does not know what he is talking about. Also coming real close to saying the girls are the p word. Of course the girls work on and off at modeling jobs as far as we know. They need money to live just like anyone else. RLC is not a soft porn site. It is a voyeur site. There is a difference. Some of the tenents have outyside jobs and some work at home.By the way we know this is not true real life. A few of the apts come damn close to it though.

I think thats the biggest problem with most of the people that complain,,,they quickly sign up to RLC without knowing exactly what they signed up for,,,most of the times these are people who used to be signed up to VV and VHTV or Chaturbate,,,so they sign up to RLC expecting to see a bunch of people just sitting around all day naked and ready to fuck and masturbate on demand,,,,and when they don't see that happening here,,instead of canceling their Subs like a sensible person would,,,they complain to anyone who would listen about how much RLC sucks and this is not what they signed up for,,,,,,If it is not what you singed up for then the best way to handle that situation is to simply cancel your subs and move on to something that you want to see it's as simple as that,,why make it complicated it's a no-brainer people.

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1 minute ago, Snakeater said:


From what I have heard in the past European women are not as concerned about armpit hair as american women are. That was quite awile ago so things may have changed a little. Besides what is wrong with a little hair as long as it is not a bush?

Australian Women love sporting the Hairy Armpits too :biggrin:::)


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55 minutes ago, euromike69 said:

No Kamila and Kristy are not escorts so don't try to start that rumor over on this Thread too,,,you guys can keep that stuff over on the B#1 and B#2 Threads,,,If you don't know what kind of job they do then do not speculate and talk nonsense and vulgar stuff like what you just did,,,why do you have to sink so low to make a comment.?

You are 100% wrong again,,,,, if you paid to see them roam then I'm sorry to say it but you don't know anything about RLC....... Let me give you an example of how you guys sound to me and how much you guys are just too stubborn to say anything that makes any sense or still to this day don't know anything about RLC and what you signed up for.

I wake up one day and say that I'm feeling hungry and I said to myself that I want a Burger and Fries,,,,so I get in my car and go down to the "LOCAL BANK" and I walk up to the bank teller and tell her I want the #9 with a large fry and a Coke,,,how do you think the bank teller would look at me when I walk up to him/her and order food?

They would look a me as if I have completely lost my damn mind,,,,I'm in a bank ordering lunch.

But after I leave the bank I then send the next year and 11 days bitching and complaining about not getting any food when I went to the "BANK" and every freaking day that I wake up I still go to that same BANK or other banks in my city to try and order food there.

Now you see this is just how stupid it sounds to me when you guys complain about them not walking around naked or having sex for you viewing pleasure.

I was smart enough to "READ" the fine print about RLC and what they were about when I signed up for RLC for the first time,,,, You guys are new to this so you don't know anything about RLC and what they are about.

Back in the day when RLC first came online you would be lucky to see someone fuck 3 times for a month,,,because back then it was actually more about real life than it is now,,,,, they had couples that woke up everyday and went to work so the apts were empty for hours a day "Lora and Max","Maria and John","Alina and Aton" "Olga and Sergey,,,,, these days we see a lot more younger women and we have 3 apts that are very popular because of the ladies that occupy them.

RLC has found the right women and the right formula for B#1 and B#2 these apts have the kind of women that past through that satisfy everyone's needs and desires while the other apts like K&K and the other couples apts are there to satisfy other people who are more interested in watching couples or 2 Hot and beautiful women live their private lives in front of us.

You have the right to complain yes,,,but the only person you guys should be complaining to is yourselves for being too naive to not know what RLC is about and why you are paying your money to them. That's why you don't see people like me complaining,,because I have been around RLC since their inception and "I know what I signed up for" because I know what the website is about.

I'm going to say it again,,,you have the wrong idea about RLC,,,and you are paying to see something that RLC never promised or told you that is going to happen,,,,since you are still stubborn et me direct you to "THE FINE PRINT THAT SOME OF YOU DON"T SEEN TO EVER READ",,,,, Better yet send them an Email and see the answer you get when you ask them why don't you see naked women walking around like "WHAT YOU SIGNED UP TO SEE" and then you'll see the answer you get. im-confused-smiley-emoticon.gif


I agree totally with you-  or almost as I never tried to get a burger in a bank... But the equation for many guys is here is quite simple : I pay to see girls hanging around naked and fucking, so they are at least escorts. They believe they are paying for escorts with their premium fees, 45 $ a month, so they can boast to have made a good bargain...


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1 hour ago, euromike69 said:

No Kamila and Kristy are not escorts so don't try to start that rumor over on this Thread too,,,you guys can keep that stuff over on the B#1 and B#2 Threads,,,If you don't know what kind of job they do then do not speculate and talk nonsense and vulgar stuff like what you just did,,,why do you have to sink so low to make a comment.?

You are 100% wrong again,,,,, if you paid to see them roam then I'm sorry to say it but you don't know anything about RLC....... Let me give you an example of how you guys sound to me and how much you guys are just too stubborn to say anything that makes any sense or still to this day don't know anything about RLC and what you signed up for.

I wake up one day and say that I'm feeling hungry and I said to myself that I want a Burger and Fries,,,,so I get in my car and go down to the "LOCAL BANK" and I walk up to the bank teller and tell her I want the #9 with a large fry and a Coke,,,how do you think the bank teller would look at me when I walk up to him/her and order food?

They would look a me as if I have completely lost my damn mind,,,,I'm in a bank ordering lunch.

But after I leave the bank I then send the next year and 11 days bitching and complaining about not getting any food when I went to the "BANK" and every freaking day that I wake up I still go to that same BANK or other banks in my city to try and order food there.

Now you see this is just how stupid it sounds to me when you guys complain about them not walking around naked or having sex for you viewing pleasure.

I was smart enough to "READ" the fine print about RLC and what they were about when I signed up for RLC for the first time,,,, You guys are new to this so you don't know anything about RLC and what they are about.

Back in the day when RLC first came online you would be lucky to see someone fuck 3 times for a month,,,because back then it was actually more about real life than it is now,,,,, they had couples that woke up everyday and went to work so the apts were empty for hours a day "Lora and Max","Maria and John","Alina and Aton" "Olga and Sergey,,,,, these days we see a lot more younger women and we have 3 apts that are very popular because of the ladies that occupy them.

RLC has found the right women and the right formula for B#1 and B#2 these apts have the kind of women that past through that satisfy everyone's needs and desires while the other apts like K&K and the other couples apts are there to satisfy other people who are more interested in watching couples or 2 Hot and beautiful women live their private lives in front of us.

You have the right to complain yes,,,but the only person you guys should be complaining to is yourselves for being too naive to not know what RLC is about and why you are paying your money to them. That's why you don't see people like me complaining,,because I have been around RLC since their inception and "I know what I signed up for" because I know what the website is about.

I'm going to say it again,,,you have the wrong idea about RLC,,,and you are paying to see something that RLC never promised or told you that is going to happen,,,,since you are still stubborn et me direct you to "THE FINE PRINT THAT SOME OF YOU DON"T SEEN TO EVER READ",,,,, Better yet send them an Email and see the answer you get when you ask them why don't you see naked women walking around like "WHAT YOU SIGNED UP TO SEE" and then you'll see the answer you get. im-confused-smiley-emoticon.gif


I have to jump in on this discussion.

Generally speaking, Mike is right.  Early 'editions' of RLC was about relationships (current examples are Maya & Stepan, Leora & Paul, Nina & Kira). Folks who went about their daily routine, came home, ate dinner, watched TV, etc.

Currents tastes is now all about sex - casual sex (usually without romance).  Voyeur House TV has taken it to the extreme (IMO) with couples banging morning, noon & night.  Its all about banging (which obviously does not make for a healthy relationship). But viewership wants sex and sex is what you'll get. What's unfortunate about this situation is you have couples who have no direction in life. They are all about the hear-and-now.  Sex on-line (w/ no or very little romance) in exchange for free lodging and a small monthly salary. Do you think they'll have any regrets having their hoo-haas exposed forever on the internet as they mature?

So...what have we learned?  What *I* have learned is (and I'm generalizing), current generation is fucked-up in the head. Not sure if its social media to blame, poor parental upbringing, divorced parents or ??? *I* have always felt that since MTV first came to television, there has been a moral and ethical decay of each generation on a continuing downhill spiral (if you're over 35, you'll understand what I mean).

The crowd I hang with, not one would do (or behave) remotely how these folk behave. Probably because we came from a strong parental base, were disciplined when we needed to be, went to church or synagogue on a semi-regular basis and were taught to live today with an eye on the future.

But,...society now only wants you to live in the present - its all about (your) money. From the viewer's perspective, we just want to see banging. Instant banging means you'll pay money...NOW!  Society (maybe humanity) is no longer concerned that most of these folks have no direction in life and quite possibly will either be in jail or dead by the time they reach 30. "We" just want your money and do whatever it takes (no matter the damage it may cause) to get inside your wallet.

Lastly, I have no objection to the premise. I just think most people don't have their heads on straight to see (or know) what the bigger picture is.

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I can't agree with Howard, most of the tenants of RLC are decent and nice people. Does not incriminate the parents or the internet. In K& K we have seen the mothers of Kami, Kristy and Heidi, they don't seem amoral or lost. In the ex-communist countries, sex is more natural and not considered a sin as in the deeply religious countries as the US. Young people in Europe do the same and they are not perverts or mentally sick either. Girls now tend to be like boys, when they need sex they say it and get it. I think that's nice. Sex has not to be a taboo anymore and women have to be free and independant - girls are watching gay porn, boys lesbians porn... The old time is over and that is allright for me.

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21 minutes ago, Howard said:

I have to jump in on this discussion.

Generally speaking, Mike is right.  Early 'editions' of RLC was about relationships (current examples are Maya & Stepan, Leora & Paul, Nina & Kira). Folks who went about their daily routine, came home, ate dinner, watched TV, etc.

Currents tastes is now all about sex - casual sex (usually without romance).  Voyeur House TV has taken it to the extreme (IMO) with couples banging morning, noon & night.  Its all about banging (which obviously does not make for a healthy relationship). But viewership wants sex and sex is what you'll get. What's unfortunate about this situation is you have couples who have no direction in life. They are all about the hear-and-now.  Sex on-line (w/ no or very little romance) in exchange for free lodging and a small monthly salary. Do you think they'll have any regrets having their hoo-haas exposed forever on the internet as they mature?

So...what have we learned?  What *I* have learned is (and I'm generalizing), current generation is fucked-up in the head. Not sure if its social media to blame, poor parental upbringing, divorced parents or ??? *I* have always felt that since MTV first came to television, there has been a moral and ethical decay of each generation on a continuing downhill spiral (if you're over 35, you'll understand what I mean).

The crowd I hang with, not one would do (or behave) remotely how these folk behave. Probably because we came from a strong parental base, were disciplined when we needed to be, went to church or synagogue on a semi-regular basis and were taught to live today with an eye on the future.

But,...society now only wants you to live in the present - its all about (your) money. From the viewer's perspective, we just want to see banging. Instant banging means you'll pay money...NOW!  Society (maybe humanity) is no longer concerned that most of these folks have no direction in life and quite possibly will either be in jail or dead by the time they reach 30. "We" just want your money and do whatever it takes (no matter the damage it may cause) to get inside your wallet.

Lastly, I have no objection to the premise. I just think most people don't have their heads on straight to see (or know) what the bigger picture is.

Thank you Howard,,,, I remember back in the day when it was hard to find free porn online,,,now these days it's just a mouse click away,,so nobody should be stuck on one website complaining about something that they can easily see elsewhere.:biggrin:

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