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Kamila, Kristy & Heidi ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos February 2017.

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5 hours ago, Beldonn1 said:
5 hours ago, Howard said:

I have to jump in on this discussion.

Generally speaking, Mike is right.  Early 'editions' of RLC was about relationships (current examples are Maya & Stepan, Leora & Paul, Nina & Kira). Folks who went about their daily routine, came home, ate dinner, watched TV, etc.

Currents tastes is now all about sex - casual sex (usually without romance).  Voyeur House TV has taken it to the extreme (IMO) with couples banging morning, noon & night.  Its all about banging (which obviously does not make for a healthy relationship). But viewership wants sex and sex is what you'll get. What's unfortunate about this situation is you have couples who have no direction in life. They are all about the hear-and-now.  Sex on-line (w/ no or very little romance) in exchange for free lodging and a small monthly salary. Do you think they'll have any regrets having their hoo-haas exposed forever on the internet as they mature?

So...what have we learned?  What *I* have learned is (and I'm generalizing), current generation is fucked-up in the head. Not sure if its social media to blame, poor parental upbringing, divorced parents or ??? *I* have always felt that since MTV first came to television, there has been a moral and ethical decay of each generation on a continuing downhill spiral (if you're over 35, you'll understand what I mean).

The crowd I hang with, not one would do (or behave) remotely how these folk behave. Probably because we came from a strong parental base, were disciplined when we needed to be, went to church or synagogue on a semi-regular basis and were taught to live today with an eye on the future.

But,...society now only wants you to live in the present - its all about (your) money. From the viewer's perspective, we just want to see banging. Instant banging means you'll pay money...NOW!  Society (maybe humanity) is no longer concerned that most of these folks have no direction in life and quite possibly will either be in jail or dead by the time they reach 30. "We" just want your money and do whatever it takes (no matter the damage it may cause) to get inside your wallet.

Lastly, I have no objection to the premise. I just think most people don't have their heads on straight to see (or know) what the bigger picture is.


I can't agree with Howard, most of the tenants of RLC are decent and nice people. Does not incriminate the parents or the internet. In K& K we have seen the mothers of Kami, Kristy and Heidi, they don't seem amoral or lost. In the ex-communist countries, sex is more natural and not considered a sin as in the deeply religious countries as the US. Young people in Europe do the same and they are not perverts or mentally sick either. Girls now tend to be like boys, when they need sex they say it and get it. I think that's nice. Sex has not to be a taboo anymore and women have to be free and independant - girls are watching gay porn, boys lesbians porn... The old time is over and that is allright for me.

Yes. ... All of the current residents seems to be decent and nice people that do not incrinate the parents or the internet (at least not because of something they have done on RLC).  

It is easy to see that the issue is not with the residents, but with everyone write something like "a moral and ethical decay of each generation". I will never understand why some people get so ignorant and hopelessly outdated. ... but ... It get even more idiotic and hypocrite  when this people write something like that in a forum as CC. ... Just stupid. ... The part i dislike the most in this post of Howard is the following ...


6 hours ago, Howard said:


The crowd I hang with, not one would do (or behave) remotely how these folk behave. Probably because we came from a strong parental base, were disciplined when we needed to be, went to church or synagogue on a semi-regular basis and were taught to live today with an eye on the future.


This post is so arrogant and conceited that it actually feels a bit like getting sick just reding it. Of curse, this bullshit is comming from someone feel the need to mention "church or synagogue" as base for a decent life. What a wretchedly and simple minded person he may be. It is just very sad.

... but ...

His views getting even more despicable  when he is writing about homosexuality ...

5 hours ago, Howard said:


Same can be said for homosexuality. It's not genetic. For every medical doctor who claims (no scientific evidence) that its genetic, there is a shrink or sociologist that differs. IMO its foundation is based on gender confusion (which is not biological but mental/psychological). But I digress and that topic can be discussed another time.


... what a bullshit is this? ... Why make something bad that is between other people and do not harm anyone?


@Howard: Please ...



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21 minutes ago, MrBox said:

Yes. ... All of the current residents seems to be decent and nice people that do not incrinate the parents or the internet (at least not because of something they have done on RLC).  

It is easy to see that the issue is not with the residents, but with everyone write something like "a moral and ethical decay of each generation". I will never understand why some people get so ignorant and hopelessly outdated. ... but ... It get even more idiotic and hypocrite  when this people write something like that in a forum as CC. ... Just stupid. ... The part i dislike the most in this post of Howard is the following ...


This post is so arrogant and conceited that it actually feels a bit like getting sick just reding it. Of curse, this bullshit is comming from someone feel the need to mention "church or synagogue" as base for a decent life. What a wretchedly and simple minded person he may be. It is just very sad.

... but ...

His views getting even more despicable  when he is writing about homosexuality ...

... what a bullshit is this? ... Why make something bad that is between other people and do not harm anyone?


@Howard: Please ...



There's an adage that when debating or discussing a subject, once someone either yells, insults or makes it personal, he/she has lost the argument.

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Just now, Howard said:

There's an adage that when debating or discussing a subject, once someone either yells, insults or makes it personal, he/she has lost the argument.

Here, i would need to agree with you, if there would be an argument. ... but ... I will have no discussion with you about this topic. ... Sorry. ... If you really mean what you have written, we would simply life in an different world and i gave up on people like you some time ago. 

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2 hours ago, BBsq69 said:

. . .

However I better stop now before the mods shut us up as this is of course way OT unless Kami is a secret demographic expert.

Yeah, probably good idea. Belongs in World Politics. It's worthy of discussion, though, and I have no problem with such discussions continuing over there. Personally, I don't follow these girls much, and many others do not have access to this apartment, so it's a good idea to not wander too far off the topic of the girls, because generalizations about homosexuality and nationality can get pretty tedious, boring, and contentious.



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11 minutes ago, MrBox said:

Here, i would need to agree with you, if there would be an argument. ... but ... I will have no discussion with you about this topic. ... Sorry. ... If you really mean what you have written, we would simply life in an different world and i gave up on people like you some time ago. 

You get the last word.  But if you are implying that I'm close-minded, I can't help but see the irony of that coming from you (i.e.: your name).

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