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Barcelona Apt. #2 ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos January to March 2017


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Nice sunset tonight by the looks of it, now ive had chance to see the balcony cam better, looks like they have screened the glass with a laminate material or something like. Only on one section, the section opposite the doors looks glass still as the cam cant see it. So it could always be done, just needed a bit of thought.

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4 hours ago, Snakeater said:

Now that B2 has a balcony cam everyone who screamed about orgies and lesbian sex on the balcony will see nothing happens out there.

It sounds like they put the cam on the balcony in an area where you probably wouldn't see much anyway.

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10 minutes ago, bud2966 said:

did I miss much in the last 8 hrs and do I need to go to replay

didn't miss anything, topless yoga for angelina , danaya on her phone/putting make up on , nicole & estelle sleeping / eating.

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3 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

It sounds like they put the cam on the balcony in an area where you probably wouldn't see much anyway.

I think they can still hide behind the cam if they so wanted, ive not seen anyone out there yet, 

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3 hours ago, maxfactor said:

Most of us already know exactly where this appartment is anyway.

Benfold is obsessed with these girls and them being stalked!!   Don't you know that everybody is only out to get JUST THESE girls!!!   It's so damned funny and sad that it's put tears in my eyes....

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9 minutes ago, sulzer25059 said:

puesta de sol bonita esta noche por el aspecto de que, ahora que he tenido la oportunidad de ver el balcón de levas mejor, parece que han analizado el vidrio con un material laminado o algo así. Sólo en una sección, la sección opuesta a las puertas de cristal se ve todavía como la leva no puedo verlo. Por lo que siempre se podía hacer, sólo necesitaba un poco de pensamiento.

As you say, they have made the balcony opaque. So that the camera can not register the street ... (to consider it or not necessary, is another issue).
Today, by the way, although it is very windy, the sky has beautiful red colors, that was what both Nicole and Estelle were trying to get with their phones.
It's a shame that you miss the fantastic sunrises. The sunrise at the height of the floor, must be beautiful, because it is seen leaving from the sea. Especially in summer, which makes an enviable temperature at that time of the morning ...

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