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Mika & Layne

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41 minutes ago, fasterboss said:

Yes the last two times that layne had sex with red, mika was sleeping outside his house

So Layne is regularily fucking other women? Is Mika ever fucking other men?

I feel sorry for Mika, I don't know them at all, but it kinda seems she is getting used. This guy is out fucking another woman, while his pregnant girlfriend is alone.

I'm fine with people chosing to live in an open relationship, but things are much more coplicated with children involved.

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22 minutes ago, ed2 said:
30 minutes ago, louiej said:

Did the chick stay...?

Mika went to bed. Layne and the guest started kissing on the couch, before the two suddenly left the house together.

He returned alone, 40 minutes later.

1 hour ago, ed2 said:

So Layne is regularily fucking other women? Is Mika ever fucking other men?

I feel sorry for Mika, I don't know them at all, but it kinda seems she is getting used. This guy is out fucking another woman, while his pregnant girlfriend is alone.

Well, they both checked in on Mika before leaving, and Layne went straight in to check on Mika when he returned, they had a long and intimate conversation. I know such couples are very open, no jealousy, they accept and love each other, but there is still a part of me that can't help feeling sorry for this pregnant girl being home alone in her bed, while her boyfriend is out fucking another woman.

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2 hours ago, ed2 said:

Warming up on cam, then suddenly just go out. Why did I want to check out VHTV, LOL,  it is just like the worst apartments at RLC!

Lol no..VH have some bad things but rlc it's just terrible..just tonight the barca apartment went mantainace...Probrably gona be all night in "mantainace"..basicaly Rlc turn of the cams of the apartment so that girls can have fun...VH it's bad in lot of things...Rlc it's a lot lot worst.

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51 minutes ago, ze81 said:

Lol no..VH have some bad things but rlc it's just terrible..just tonight the barca apartment went mantainace...Probrably gona be all night in "mantainace"..basicaly Rlc turn of the cams of the apartment so that girls can have fun...VH it's bad in lot of things...Rlc it's a lot lot worst.

Neah, I have to dissagree. If you mean the bara apartment, or Anabel&Efim, or Dasha&Demid (thank fully now gone), you are right, but RLC has several much better apartments.

Except Heidi, the girls apartments are a big tease, or more of a bad joke really. There is alot of dead waste, older apartments wich have lost all the exitement and become completely dead, and RLC do nothing about it. But RLC also have a couple of VHTV like apartments, maybe not swinger couples, but alot of crazy fucking going on. And the part I like, they have several good, realistic, more real life, "normal" couples.

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6 hours ago, Amy3 said:

I still don't like it and I basically don't watch this site because of it. BUT, the bottom line is this. It's their life and if they are both cool with it then we should be too. 

Yes, I agree! It is their life, they are very open about, and they both clearly accept of it, but to me, it is still alittle upsetting though.

Once a month sounds pretty regular to me, many couples don't even have sex that often, there are even a few couples on RLC having sex only like once every one or two months.

The fact that he fucks around, and she doesn't also sound abit unfair, but it is probably their arrangements, maybe she don't want to, or maybe he has other needs than her. I'm not a particulary jealous person, but if I were Mika, I could never have accepted anything like it, I would feel used, and would have left the jerk. But obviously in such relationships they have alot of mutual respect, and no jealosy.

It is disturbing, but I kind of like Mika, so I will check in on them.

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i don't know what the laws are over there or how the insurance coverage is but in the good old usa that is so far ahead of the rest of the world (except when we're not) when i was younger i basically had to get married to have my wife (before we married we lived together for 10 years) covered for insurance, dental, and eye care coverage. even though layne & mika are a committed couple they have a different lifestyle & maybe got married for a reason like that. if that is the case they maybe did what was necessary but with the understanding that they would continue to live in the same way as they have been. and while some people here cry about gay marriage they forget that the right of a person to do what they want & to be themselves as long as it doesn't harm anyone else should be the #1 right of all people, period!!!!

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5 minutes ago, golfer06 said:

i don't know what the laws are over there or how the insurance coverage is but in the good old usa that is so far ahead of the rest of the world (except when we're not) when i was younger i basically had to get married to have my wife (before we married we lived together for 10 years) covered for insurance, dental, and eye care coverage. even though layne & mika are a committed couple they have a different lifestyle & maybe got married for a reason like that. if that is the case they maybe did what was necessary but with the understanding that they would continue to live in the same way as they have been. and while some people here cry about gay marriage they forget that the right of a person to do what they want & to be themselves as long as it doesn't harm anyone else should be the #1 right of all people, period!!!!

Always had the feeling the care sistem in USA it's not the best,that if you go to an hospital etc you better have some healthy ensurance or else you could even not be treated,in Europe in that regard even without paying we can go an hospital And be treated.But could be all wrong and USA has an very good ealth care sistem.

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