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When looking at the (small) screen, one has the apartments at the left side of it and at the right side the cams of the apartment which one is watching. The last days I have often the problem that while looking at realm X the buttons at he left and the right jump to an other apartment Y. Mostly the apartment in which VHTV has opened. Has anyone the same irritating experience?

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28 minutes ago, beardman said:

When looking at the (small) screen, one has the apartments at the left side of it and at the right side the cams of the apartment which one is watching. The last days I have often the problem that while looking at realm X the buttons at he left and the right jump to an other apartment Y. Mostly the apartment in which VHTV has opened. Has anyone the same irritating experience?

This is an old issue from the beginning of timeline. Sometimes it helps when you start your session just with https://voyeur-house.tv.

Without any realm....

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41 minutes ago, beardman said:

A cronologia sugere um pode voltar 48 horas. Algum de vocês conseguiu voltar mais de 24 horas?

I can not even go back for 12 hours without holding back and restraining myself from wanting to hit the screen on my lap.
Imagine coming back 48hs.

Not to stay in the hand I do not stop me from updating in time line more than 6 hours. In addition, it starts to buffer almost constant and jump.

Not to mention that once in a timeline you do not have the slightest reference at what point and time the recording is.

Completely different from RLC that if you change from cam to any other (even from apartment) the accompanying visualization to this watch that says in passing works with the time of the screen and not with "calculation"? Of elapsed time.

Is this really a joke for this line?

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it is too much work just to watch time line,it suppose to make it easier to catch up you end up frustrated and give up. 4 hours was long now thy made it 6 and called it progress, archive is just badly shot porn i dont even bother about it.

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Há 1 hora, golfer06 disse:

Que explica isso. Ainda espero pelo futuro!

Boa sorte para você!!!!!

Eu realmente espero pelo futuro, mas não mais de lá
Isso já tinha me atingido o dia após a primeira vez e quando temos um dedo na cam e agora está claro para mim.

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1 hour ago, golfer06 said:

that explains it. still hope for the future!

Good luck to you!!!!!

I really hope for the future, but not over there
This had already hit me the day after the first time and when we have a finger on the cam and now it's clear to me.

Sorry for not translating above


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1 hour ago, beardman said:

When looking at the (small) screen, one has the apartments at the left side of it and at the right side the cams of the apartment which one is watching. The last days I have often the problem that while looking at realm X the buttons at he left and the right jump to an other apartment Y. Mostly the apartment in which VHTV has opened. Has anyone the same irritating experience?

yes. it happens a lot.

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35 minutes ago, sat11 said:

it is too much work just to watch time line,it suppose to make it easier to catch up you end up frustrated and give up. 4 hours was long now thy made it 6 and called it progress, archive is just badly shot porn i dont even bother about it.

they are working to improve the timeline. i have seen the improvements & when it happens it will be a lot better. hopefully very soon.

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2 minutes ago, golfer06 said:

they are working to improve the timeline. i have seen the improvements & when it happens it will be a lot better. hopefully very soon.

tnx golfer, but to be honest i will believe it when it happens 

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