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Mika & Layne

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You're not just another scammer Layne, don't do anything with no new girl and also always just to appear jealous Mika to control it all, and that you are going from Liberals. Another scammer to my list!

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Just now, Gudari said:

You're not just another scammer Layne, don't do anything with no new girl and also always just to appear jealous Mika to control it all, and that you are going from Liberals. Another scammer to my list!

And what would you have him do? Force himself? Anybody could see she didn't want to go through with it. Why are you making these rude comments about him when he didn't do anything wrong?

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8 minutes ago, Gudari said:

You're not just another scammer Layne, don't do anything with no new girl and also always just to appear jealous Mika to control it all, and that you are going from Liberals. Another scammer to my list!

i guess you would rather rape the girl. Come on. Layne would never force himself on anyone that doesn't want to do anything with him.

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2 minutes ago, miscvoyeur said:

Y ¿qué quieres que lo haga? Forzarse a sí mismo? Cualquiera podía ver que ella no quería ir a través con él. ¿Por qué están haciendo estos comentarios groseros sobre él cuando él no ha hecho nada malo?

The girl did not want to? I it I have heard say at the beginning only once, but then it has stripped, has been on all fours and even she herself has been placed is a dog leash. Would that I're telling? Shut your mouth go!

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