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Jeka, Alice & Pavel - Part #1

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Sara didn't kick her out, there wasn't a fight or arguing or something. Raya just left, for whatever reasons.

Maybe it has something to do with the photos she made a couple of days ago, maybe they'll put her into a new apt., the point is, we don't know why she left.

And by the way, Sara gave Jeka a blowjob in the shower right before they went to bed.

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1 hour ago, Unsichtbarer said:

Sara didn't kick her out, there wasn't a fight or arguing or something. Raya just left, for whatever reasons.

Maybe it has something to do with the photos she made a couple of days ago, maybe they'll put her into a new apt., the point is, we don't know why she left.

Was literally about to say the same thing. Who exactly knows for sure that she was "kicked" out? Or is it something was just made up?

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2 hours ago, jabbath1987 said:

Jeka is one hell of a pussy and Sara one hell of a bitch when she really kicked Raya out. Unbelievable. I always liked Raya more.

It's Sara's  way or the highway 

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