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Layla & Eric - Part #1

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14 hours ago, jabbath1987 said:

:biggrin: Btw I assume you are from the UK. What do you think of the Brexit? If I may ask of course.:biggrin: Here in Germany you cant open up any newspaper without reading about it. So I am just curious what people in the UK think about it.

Guten morgen Jabbath!

Yes, the Brexit fills every minute of news on radio and TV. Personally, I voted to remain in the EU, but unfortunately there are a lit of stupid people in the UK who believe all the sound bytes of people like Nigel Farage who put claims on the side of his campaign bus that said "If we cone out of the EU then we can spend £350m a week on the NHS." which quite simply isn't true, but the stupid people believed him. 

We are where we are. No turning back now, just got to make the best of it for all concerened. 

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