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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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I do not think this forum is a democratic thing, I see that there is a new global moderator, make me a favor, who decides what we can write and what does not, I think I will leave this very nice forum

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Greetings Guys Just been back from a short holiday. Seems not much has happened but no suprise there. As expected Nicole has a new dude whom she just had sex without a condom (when is she going to learn smh) and Lola doing her tease and flee routine. This time round she did it to a nice Spanish guy with good manners. I really dislike this girl now and her time her couldn't be soon enough to get her ancient ass out the apartment. Why get a guy worked up and the break off. She has deep issues and just plays with guys like they are toys. I felt bad for the guy having to listen to her and Nicole laughing about him in the kitchen. He didn't know what he was getting into. Helen is only girl there now worth watching she seems like a beautiful girl both inside and out unlike the recycled reruns that have out stayed their value

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