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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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2 minutes ago, Nari Dog said:

Lola returned Stella's glasses. How old do you reckon Lola is? Had a close look at her while she was cleaning her teeth, I say mid to late thirties.

yes I think 35-38 maybe ?

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il y a 2 minutes, BBsq69 a dit :

Ecoute , je ne pense pas que Jasmin fait moins je pense qu'elle est plus être fait , mais ce fut un grand dommage qu'elle a interrompu (et pour être clair , je ne dis pas qu'il était intentionnel) bain sexy de Belle et Rosie.

Nous sommes passés d'un bain qui n'était frottage d'arrêt des seins et ils avaient juste installés dans une position étaient plus pourrait (probablement pas, mais peut-être) se sont produites parce que Rosie est frottait toujours la chatte de Belle, Jasmin et Rosie, après avoir pris la boombox orange Belle ( et je pense qu'il est encore dans la salle après Rosie le mettre dans la chambre de Jasmin pour une raison quelconque) et non utilisé, ne touche pas du tout. Eh bien la plupart considéreraient qu'un peu de perte pour nous. 

Maintenant Belle semblait assez heureux quand ils sont partis, mais il était pourtant Sexius Bathus Interruptus

Eh bien, je l'espère, si elle veut avoir un avenir de douche sexy ou un plein sur la danse nue que Belle est en mesure de trouver son boombox.


I'm just a little disappointed, because I like this girl, and yes she shows herself naked in public, but she seems to resume her bad habits, I may be too hurried with a pretty girl who knows how RLC works.

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30 minutes ago, BBsq69 said:

Look I don't think Jasmin is doing less I think she's being doing more but it was a great pity she interrupted (and to be clear I am not saying it was intentional) Belle and Rosie's sexy bath.

We went from a bath which was none stop rubbing of tits and had they just settled in a position were more might (probably not but might) have happened because Rosie is always rubbing Belle's pussy, to Jasmin and Rosie, having taken Belle's orange boombox (and I think it is still in the hall after Rosie put it in Jasmin's room for some reason) and then not used it, not touching at all. Well most would consider that a bit of loss for us. 

Now Belle seemed happy enough when they left but nevertheless it was Sexius Bathus Interruptus

Well I hope if she wants to have a sexy shower tomorrow or a full on naked dance that Belle is able to find her boombox.


You know you slam Jasmin every chance you get BBsq69, I think your jealous of her being so much prettier than Belle. Jasmin has her beat hands down is all areas of beauty, sexuality, sensuality, The true girl next door, It is not always about pussy shots and spread eagle BB, but it is about being a true voyuer and the appreication of a beautiful woman. If you ask me Belle doesn't even begin to hold a candlestick to the GODDESS, truth be known without LOLA,  Belle was completely lost last time she was here, and this time without Rose, she would be just wondering around in a daze or out of the apartment like she was until Rose came along. Infatuation is ok and normal, but Obsession is not. I'm beginning to worry about you old friend ?

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