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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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9 minutes ago, nagachilli2 said:

Nite Old...

Oh no, Naga I haven't gone to bed yet............. I'm watching Gina and the remaining twin as it is enjoyable, (whatever some may say!). Gina is desperate to provoke a reaction and more....

Edited by Oldstalker
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9 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

I agree with you about the girls being simple minded and uninteresting and I agree with you about Belle but I can't agree with you about Rose as I haven't seen her yet.  Rose will be the downfall of this apartment!!

I've had to wade through way to many pages about the all nighter they pulled and then bringing back 2 guys that sound like they could almost be their fathers by the sound of some posts.  I feel that with the addition of this Rose girl that this apartment will bring you all a lot of grief!

BB, if you read this you made a post about if Belle is going to fuck, you want to see it.  I would never want to see Belle fucking some dude just because I might get a shot at the beaver.  I would never wish that on any of these Barca girls.  It's better to keep the men out of the apartments.  They bring back drugs and get the girls all messed up on them just to take advantage of them.  I don't know anything about this DJ character but it makes no sense why he would come back home with them if he wasn't trying to get another girl under his belt........fuck her and then leave her alone,  what a job for him!!  Are you all for certain that he is this proclaimed DJ of Barcelona??

I'll have to check for a response later, I'm going to have a couple of Colorado Koolaids with my buddies.....have a good one and a very perceptive post Ms. Lyree!!

Nicole blokes were an exception Harley, decent and drug free as far as I could see...so was she, IMO...:heart:

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