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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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like you all say you can't understand a women well i can;t understand men that carry on over nothing. The way some of you talk you never ever had a women before so i guess this shit is exciting to you or you are marry and she pay no attention to you and i don't have RLC but i have 2 other site and i don't get work up over them But i am a women so this shit don't phase me and for Blue it just some thing to pass the day by. Blue junk don't work from the stroke

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37 minutes ago, Blue&Bonnie said:

Let see Gina and Lola go to the laundry room to bate Rose and Jas hide behind the sink counter with there back turn to bate. And Belle kind of use her legs to hide her bate and Violetta wear pajamas all the time so all you got is Polya once in a while so i see nothing to get work up over. It seem if one of the girl goes around the apt nude that the greatest thing in the world. If you go to Dj site and look at Car,Jas,Rose new girl & Belle You see the new girl and Belle is the prettiest girls there

And a happy day to you too :sad:

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