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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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1 minute ago, sulzer25059 said:

From watching bits back id say she was trying to play host, mi think maybe they stayed longer than she hoped they would, Rose going to bed was probably the tell tale sign of party should be over. I felt Belle was hoping for more attention than she actually got from either of the guys. That look she gave when they left was priceless. Not Dis similar to the look she gave in the hall when she came in one of the nights.

I think she has hopes for the DJ but wants to keep the other guy on board as well because maybe they are a pair but I think Rosie was too drunk and Angel was too controlled. Again an odd hidden balcony scene, but then if we can't see we clutch at straws. 

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2 minutes ago, sulzer25059 said:

Its like she is trying to make a good impression with the guys. 

Exactly. Wish we knew some details of the trip or who sent the flowers. Neither of the guys seemed to acknowledge them last time but then I missed some of the start of the visit last time. But normally if a girl has flowers and the person who sent them shows up she likes to show that she has them - just my experience.

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2 minutes ago, lucasfrench59 said:

rose strange exit Without shoe and with sandal

 beach With the guy ?

The guys might well be asleep in their own beds. Actually when they came in My Belle:heart: pulled up the couch rests so I thought they were just going to sleep there. Then Belle went for her sexy underwear and showered but the other girls made no similar effort. I think it is almost automatic with My Belle:heart: thinking straight away what people want to see is her in see thru underwear - well that works for me.

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12 minutes ago, MrBox said:

With Nicole and Nora in the cast, this apartments were living. Before, it was also extrem dead (nothing happend at all) and after, it got into a a strange mix of teasing (and porn shows) with almost on life in it. ... I kind of like that there are guests in the he apartment, but also see that it still feels extrem artificially. ... I guess, it is an issue with the current cast (or the casting in general). Most of the girls are not really open minded. They they do in the apartment seems to be broing (e.g. smartphone time) or lifeless (dancing shows). Even this guests do not change this much, because it still feels more like a play as an actual life.

I think, RLC should change the completly of the barcelona apartment complete and have some real people (girls and guys; single and couples) have vecations there. Maybe, it would also be nice to see some of the residents of the other apartments there as well. Just imagin, if L&P or M&S show up there for a visit. ... Most importantly, however is to stop this teasing bullshit. No more strange dance shows, or bodypainting bullshit. REAL LIFE or nothing. ... :)

I agree! It is dead, and the few things happening on cam are not only just obviously fake, it is theatrical almost into beeing banal

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I wonder why My Belle:heart: normally sleeps with her door open. When she was in Rosie's room there is a bit of protection because you are sort of round the corner but in this end room you are much more exposed. I think it is possibly to get more light without actually switching the light on.

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Just now, BBsq69 said:

I wonder why My Belle:heart: normally sleeps with her door open. When she was in Rosie's room there is a bit of protection because you are sort of round the corner but in this end room you are much more exposed. I think it is possibly to get more light without actually switching the light on.

She has always been the same BB, she does not like the doors shut, i think in the big room it was less of an issue with the space been bigger. 

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2 minutes ago, nagachilli2 said:

Thanks for that Vlk...I think I'll stay clear of posting avocados in the future on here to avoid confusion...:confused:

In the states they have allegator (someone who alleges something) and alligator or maybe Rich Hall made that up.

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1 hour ago, happyman88 said:

I'm glad I bailed out when i did last night since checking out Replay it turned out to be another farce like Sunday night. One thing has become clear and that is the appearance of DJ and his mate is a sham and I doubt anything will ever happen to the apartment since any extra activities would probably have taken place already.

The club they go to and DJ works at closes at 02.30 and they come back to the apartment at roughly 05.30 with a carry-out so 3 hours is enough to do whatever they want to do. I do not know what else to do, but I do not know why. I'm sorry to say b-2 has become farcical and as for Belle being away from 5th to 7th it will be a late start since she is still zonked

You might be right about something happening outside the apt, but to me there was nothing in the body language of the girls to suggest this. They might have just been to an after the event private party...A few pecks on the cheek when leaving, different from the previous time, and the look on Belle's face suggested they were glad they left...IMO of course...::)

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