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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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Just been reading about last nights events and watched a bit on Replay lol. Nicole and her dude having a great session with both her fans and haters giving their opinion. Though not really a fan of her i fully understand the admiration some have as she tends to be more to the RLC spirit of being herself, doing what she wants with no need for stupid teasing, that being said i wouldn't praise her for this. i can also understand her haters though i am not one of them, as she doesn't tend to get along with anyone. In regards to last night sex. I personally found it strange for a few reasons ans would like you guys to give your opinion on the below questions

1 If the guy is shy, why did he not take Nicole back to his place to fuck her.  He doesn't have to fuck her i the apt as he is not an RLC tenant

2.If the guy is shy, surely he wouldn't have fucked her in the bedroom as he knows there are cams there so why fuck in the toilet with no cams only to fuck later in the bedroom with cams ?

3 Nicole has never been shy of the cams to the point she removed the red cross in the master bedroom toilet to pee rather than pee in the other toilet So why is she giving bj and fucking in a toilet..

Naga mention in an earlier post that it's difficult to fuck when you have thousands watching you which is a very true but that would apply to the guy but not Nicole as she has demonstrated time and time again that she is not bothered by the cams. I am definitely not a Nicole hater. I find her quite attractive but i'm not an admirer by any means and can understand those that may not like her.

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Wofür habe ich mein Abo. bezahlt, um doch etwas zu sehen. Aber leider hat sich Nicole letzte Nacht mit Ihrem Boyfriend unsichtb ar gemacht. Für sowas bin ich nicht bereit ein Abo. zu bezahlen.

Bisher habe ich Nicole als sehr gut befunden und jetzt daß. Na ja auf der Kloschlüssel eine Nummer machen.........

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I missed Nicole's 1st week so I might have missed something out. Nicole has spent time spreadeagled naked in the 1st bedroom, Given us some very sexy dance moves, been fingered, dildo'd and given a bj in full view, as well as an undercover bate, and several hidden bj in bathroom, and fucked twice in that br, the second time only partly hidden...I don't think she doing too badly so far...So why all the negative vibes, she's even got on with the girls so far so come on guys, give her a break...She's done nothing wrong so far, but I'm not sure if she'll ever convince some of you no matter what she does...:confused:
I wish you'd give her a chance...

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