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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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Just now, Nari Dog said:

Yes she had a bate a few nights ago, can't be sure what day. Used a dildo that she keeps in the top drawer of her bedside table. You would have to search back hundreds of pages to find any reference. Noldus may have a record of time and day. She started by humping the long pillow that's beside her now.

Dammit, I've been waiting for Lola to have some special time for herself, but I'm usually focused on Nicole. I was beginning to give up hope.

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Just now, Nari Dog said:

Nicole seems happy to talk to her. Must have been a late flight in.

Nicole has been giving virtual tours of the apt on her phone to someone the last couple of days. I think it was Sophia and she knows her...She went to the trouble of making a welcome poster...:biggrin:

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