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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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5 hours ago, phantomcapsnet said:

No sé cualquier hospital que admite la gente a las 2:30 am, excepto de emergencia de su curso lo que su ciclo de sueño personal.




You are right. For a fundamental reason, because doctors do the day tests.
And at least in Spain, if you have to do more than one test, or have to follow a doctor, I assure you, they do not send you to your house, so that you return the next day. The normal thing is for you to be admitted. And you can not leave the hospital when you feel like it.

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3 hours ago, ed2 said:

Lo dudo también, pero es muy posible! Esto es Europa, he sido admitido en el hospital un par de veces, para controlar la respiración durante el sueño. Fui admitido al mediodía, tomó algunas pruebas, entonces se me permitió salir de la hora de dormir hasta el hospital de (22-23)

I, too, submitted to the test of sleep. You know, it's the only test that is done during the night. It only lasts one night. And they get you in the afternoon, and at 8 in the morning or before, if you have all the results, you're discharged.
I tell you, that at night, unless it is an emergency, you will not find, more people working.

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3 hours ago, maxfactor said:

Ella tenía un siezure, que iría al emerg en el hospital local. Ellos triaje ella. Ella se sentará hasta el emerg un médico de la mira. Se pueden ordenar pruebas. Las pruebas pueden tomar algún tiempo para hacer. Ellos admitt ella una vez que se ha evaluado o pueden enviarla a casa. Eso es todo lo que se sabe.

Tengo un familiar que es un médico de emerg. He estado en emerg a las 2 de Canadá, los EE.UU. y en Europa. Es lo mismo 

An emergency case is different.
But no one goes to the emergency room for an epileptic seizure, if you know what happens.
What's more, and you can check, there are many techniques, which are not considered emergency, and among those are the seizures of epilepsy. And I have asked a specialist doctor, who is on duty at the door of a hospital.


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Just now, vortios said:

An emergency case is different.
But no one goes to the emergency room for an epileptic seizure, if you know what happens.
What's more, and you can check, there are many techniques, which are not considered emergency, and among those are the seizures of epilepsy. And I have asked a specialist doctor, who is on duty at the door of a hospital.


I think she went to the emerg for falling and damaging her eye.  Besides, who says it's epilepsy?  None of you have any idea...you are just speculating.  

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1 hour ago, StnCld316 said:

Ha sido así desde hace bastante tiempo. Todo el mundo debe utilizarse para el ajuste por ahora.

Long ago, I said, trying to make an Anecdote, but I see, it has become a reality.
For the people who follow the houses, they can be calm and rest, since between 8 or 10 at night until 6 or 8 in the morning of the following day, the most probable thing is that they do not see the girls in the houses, Or perhaps, if they remain, see nothing of interest. So why waste time? That is why, less and less, people are staying to see the houses at that time. And for many, it's ceasing to be interesting, and rightly so, because seeing girls sleep, or getting ready to party, is not exactly what people want to see.

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6 minutes ago, maxfactor said:

Creo que ella fue a la emerg para caer y dañar el ojo. Además, ¿quién dice que es la epilepsia? Ninguno de ustedes tiene alguna idea ... sólo está especulando.  

Seizures are typical of epilepsy. His muscular rigidity, his sluggishness after the convulsions, his not remembering what had happened, the lack of articulating coherent words, for a few minutes, his lack of orientation ...
The images, I put them to a doctor, and it was she, the one who told me, all this. As you will understand I am not a doctor to have knowledge of that.


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3 minutes ago, vortios said:

Long ago, I said, trying to make a cascarrillo, but I see, it has become a reality.
For the people who follow the houses, they can be calm and rest, since between 8 or 10 at night until 6 or 8 in the morning of the following day, the most probable thing is that they do not see the girls in the houses, Or perhaps, if they remain, see nothing of interest. So why waste time? That is why, less and less, people are staying to see the houses at that time. And for many, it's ceasing to be interesting, and rightly so, because seeing girls sleep, or getting ready to party, is not exactly what people want to see.

Once the weather changes in October and the Temperatures produce more rain then they'll likely stay more inside than being outside.  In the meantime it's a long Summer ahead.

The empty Apartments most times must affect RLC's bottom line. If the Shareholders start losing money they'll suggest a change to rectify the issue.

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13 minutes ago, maxfactor said:

Creo que ella fue a la emerg para caer y dañar el ojo. Además, ¿quién dice que es la epilepsia? Ninguno de ustedes tiene alguna idea ... sólo está especulando.  

Of course you can go to the emergency room, for the blow in the eye, and it is very likely that she was, or at least not surprising, and most obviously, because in a blow like the one we saw that she gave, With a little misfortune, can cause you a retinal detachment, and that's bigger words.
If we consider that, that same morning, she hit her face again, after her second attack, it would be almost mandatory, to return to the emergency room, to see if the blow has been complicated in that eye.
But as you will understand, one does not wait until dawn to go ... many hours passed.

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5 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

Once the weather changes in October and the Temperatures produce more rain then they'll likely stay more inside than being outside.  In the meantime it's a long Summer ahead.

The empty Apartments most times must affect RLC's bottom line. If the Shareholders start losing money they'll suggest a change to rectify the issue.

You can't convince these people of that.....They are stuck in a box..m0986.gif

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4 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

Una vez que los cambios de clima en octubre y las temperaturas producen más lluvia entonces ellos probablemente se quedan más por dentro que por estar fuera. Mientras tanto es un largo verano por delante.

Los vacíos Apartamentos mayoría de las veces deben afectar el balance final de RLC. Si los accionistas comienzan a perder el dinero que van a sugieren un cambio para rectificar el problema.

I can only comment, as a follower and ex-subscriber of RLC. I already wrote, giving my opinion to RLC, so that the spectacle, which we all enjoy, does not decay. For others, is this okay? Well, time will give or take reasons.

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