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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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7 minutes ago, nagachilli2 said:

It wasn't a translation Nold...It was in English...:tongue::wink::biggrin:

1 hour ago, ed2 said:

According to members at RLCfan knowing spanish, Helen told her BF on the phone that Polya has birthday on friday (tomorrow), and that they are going out to celebrate on thursday (tonight), then they would have a dinner with b2 on friday (tomorrow).

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2 minutes ago, Noldus said:

OK thanks anyway ;)

I noticed that, so I was a bit dubious about the info, but it was accurate enough. Ed mustn't have realised. Helen is certainly multi-talented, but I don't think she's learnt Spanish yet...:biggrin:

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I see Helen just can't keep still..She cleaning now...:biggrin:..Can anyone answer this question..Polya and Gina, over time, have probably accumulated over 300 days in B1...Have either of them ever done any cleaning?...Helen's been there 5 minutes...

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17 minutes ago, Noldus said:



18 minutes ago, nagachilli2 said:

I noticed that, so I was a bit dubious about the info, but it was accurate enough. Ed mustn't have realised. Helen is certainly multi-talented, but I don't think she's learnt Spanish yet...:biggrin:

Sorry boys, my misstake, the guy who wrote it use to translate Gina's phone calls from spanish, so I must've mixed up, this was in english, so that makes more a transcription than a translation

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1 hour ago, ed2 said:

Thank you very much for this information! It is pretty much the same as my friend at RLCfan said.

To, me, it sounds like her BF can't come, they both want it very much, but it is very difficult for him to arrange, he can't get the time off from work. Then they say they will see each other when she comes to him in August, wich means Helen is not staying on RLC very long :cry:, maybe just a 1 month stay.


1 hour ago, nagachilli2 said:

Thanks for the Helen conversation details Ash..Yes, I got most of that yesterday, but missed the beginning about partying tonight and tomorrow...I got the impression that her bf will come for a weekend between now and August...I think his boss is ok with him taking the time off...It's up to him. I would jump at the chance...So I think we should be grateful she'll be blessing us with her presence for another month...Because she's a mam, I was expecting her to leave after 30 days...:biggrin::heart:

If Helen does leave in August, 2 months would take her to 28th August, so hopefully she leaves then and not at the beginning of the month. As for her boyfriend visiting, as ed2 says, he might be having trouble getting time off work, although his boss sounded very nice and encouraging about him visiting. It might be that, even though he's keen to see her, he might not be so keen to be in front of the cameras.

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16 minutes ago, Ash1 said:


If Helen does leave in August, 2 months would take her to 28th August, so hopefully she leaves then and not at the beginning of the month. As for her boyfriend visiting, as ed2 says, he might be having trouble getting time off work, although his boss sounded very nice and encouraging about him visiting. It might be that, even though he's keen to see her, he might not be so keen to be in front of the cameras.

It sounds like it could be end of August...that would be 60 days...We'll have to see if he can cope with the cams, once she's told him about them...

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