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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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7 minutes ago, nagachilli2 said:

What is it about the Twins that keeps me glued...:confused:...Could it be they're naked 50% of the time...:biggrin:

They have come into the project and totally delivered....Anything else would be a bonus but I've always supported all the girls in just doing what the're comfortable with...

...and I really like them, and I think I will miss them when they go.... I have even criticised them in the past, probably unfairly. Yes they do tease a hell of a lot, and play to the cams, but they've done it well... Have I had too much to drink tonight or do any of you guys agree with me...?

Well you know I do. We're here for the same reasons.:biggrin:

Dam I hate this room Gina is in without the light.:dodgy:

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1 minute ago, nagachilli2 said:

OK guys, what we is for lovely Gina not to move a muscle till daylight comes up then you, Nold, can tell us what time to tune into the fabulous site of Gina's beautiful pussy in full glory at sunrise...:biggrin:

Sunrise 07:16

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1 hour ago, nagachilli2 said:

Actually I'm thinking about that arse now.!!..:heart:   And I forgot to say, she was better looking than any of the lovely ladies we have here in Barca....She was drop dead gorgeous...:biggrin:

I have them by the boat loads in the clubs around my house, drop dead gorgeous and legs up to their assholes!  Living close to the beaches is great, not to mention events like "Jeep Go Topless" month.  I'm fixing to go to a pub and have a couple to hopefully help me relax enough to have a good nights sleep tonight.  Enjoy whatever show you are getting!!

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2 minutes ago, DES7469 said:

Well you know I do. We're here for the same reasons.:biggrin:

Dam I hate this room Gina is in without the light.:dodgy:

NV in her last room in B2 was much better....still, it gets better when the sun comes up... ::)

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43 minutes ago, DES7469 said:

I enjoy anything I see with hot girls. But it happened before I got home. And you guys do tend to exaggerate. Now I'm seeing a little skin which is good.  But that's it. And now they are going to bed. So by my count (3 naked pussies on a bed) B1 is still beating B2 by a long way. I'll give credit where it is due. So should Belle stop being a prude and let her true self out I will be just as pleased as any one. Except maybe BB.:cool:

LOL yes they do DES

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I have been watching the twins on and off since their arrival. Can't see if there is a prominent one, they both seem equal in their mannerisms. Never a crossed word and they watch out for each other. Sometimes they seem to read each others minds and act accordingly. Interesting observations. 

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9 minutes ago, DES7469 said:

She has to do more than be there for me. She's covering herself more than Jasmin did and what were you calling her? I'm not going to sit here and blow a smoke screen about Belle. I'm telling you the way it looks to me.

Easy on BB DES, let him have his fun!

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