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Anna & Alex - Part 2

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12 minutes ago, eremes said:

That is not to be believed! Russian justice is a joke.
The poor girl has no chance if no one helps her. On the other hand, you think of Zoya and Lev. He was also very brutal at the beginning, by his drinking, but he has improved. Maybe this Alex is still improving.

Stupid reactions of many of you. VH is not the police!!! A&A are adult persons that are free to live their life together if they want. I don't know whether Anna, one of the few persons I tend to like on VV and VH, is so helpless. Maybe it is the way around. Who can tell but a speaker of the Russian language. I like Anna, but why? I've never understood a word of what she has said in 12 months. Maybe just Alex is defenseless? Private violence often is caused by feeling powerless. In the very small world that Alex and Anna live in, the cause must lie within their apartment. Nowadays one hears often about young people that commit suicide because of bullying not because of bodily violence. In my youth (say: around 1950) there probably was more violence between youth than nowadays but much less bullying and no suicides. Alex clearly is a problematic figure, mentally; that was obvious after one day in old Voro in May 2016. He almost did not speak and it was Anna who took care of him but also immediately 'confiscated' him. Many men can't bear it to be overruled by a woman of half their stature.

Not knowing all the facts, I postpone my judgment. I've no doubt that Anna never has been in danger. 'The poor girl has no chance'"? No one helped her but as far as I know she is still alive and well. At earlier occasions Alex was injured but Anna never had injuries. But suggesting that VHTV should have done more is ridiculous. Never poke in the quarrels of others.

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12 minutes ago, eremes said:

Think of "Taya & Yarik" He was exactly the same pig, he tormented Taya and the cat.
RLC, unlike "Voyeur House", had at least balls and ended the drama.

Eric and Julia are no lovebirds either.They are also a problem couple with the tendency to get violent.

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To be fair, Anna hit Alex too. Believe me I'm the last to give him an excuse, but it seems that she did strike at him twice too. Once when they were in Sophia Anna was messing with him and she kept slapping him in the face for fun. After a while he snapped and started slapping himself hard, like really hard. The look in her eyes was amazing. It clicked in her mind that this guy was had demons. She got upset and and he did the apology thing and it was over in the next couple of hours. But, that day, I too realized that this guy has issues. I wished so much that she had left him when they moved out of Sophia. And then they moved to Tula and the real Alex made his appearance. Sad!

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19 minutes ago, ankaboott said:

:heart:thank you my friend
I do not like violence against women

So it would be ok if the roles were reversed and a woman was being abusive towards a guy? Because that has happened before on camera and it was the same people that spouted off how much they don't like violence towards women that turned around and literally laughed at the guy when his psycho cunt of a girlfriend chased him around the apartment with a knife. 

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