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Anna & Alex - Part 2

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9 hours ago, jabbath1987 said:

In my opinion you missed the most epic sex session we had so far at VH :biggrin:

I missed nothing of the sort, I'm sorry to say. What I missed was the typical long drawn out bullshit they always do for the sole purpose of gaining views for money. This is not even close to real life, it's a cam show where they don't look in the cameras. I have no doubt that Anna and Alex are paying Dean, Candy, Rex, and Dana to come over and have sex with them. Then they draw it out for as long as possible for views. The truth of the matter is this, I don't like these people. They seem very shallow and vacuous. I don't like the way they treat each other and I don't like the looks on their faces. Dean comes across like a Mr. Know It All and then can't seem to keep from cumming 2 seconds after he starts fucking. He cums so easily that it seems to surprise even himself. Then he stands there and stares at his phone as if Candy didn't even exist to him, which seems to be the common reaction of these guys. Then there is Anna and  Alex, whom I won't even bother with cause you already know where I stand with them. But, for the sake their performance last night, forgetful at best. Had Dean gone more then 10 seconds with the DP, perhaps it would have been newsworthy, but alas no and the reaction from Anna and Alex was nil.

Ok, as for Rex and Dana. Let me just say that it made me cry watching them. What you guys saw was not what I saw. I saw a girl being raped. NO, I don't mean that she was raped. I mean that when I think of what rape looks like, I think it pretty much looks like this. What I saw was a very angry man forcing his girlfriend to suck and fuck his limp dick for 3 hours. It wasn't fun to watch at all. It wasn't sexy and it wasn't fun and it wasn't exciting in any way. Smacking a girl on the ass is one thing but I think his manner of smacking her in the face, choking her, blindfolding her, and sissor-holding her head was horrendous. She did not look like she was enjoying it too me. Feel free to try and say she was, I disagree. She looks like a puppy who has been beaten down so bad that she'll agree to anything the master wants. I see this in her mannerisms outside of sex. She is off, aloof, and introverted. She looks like an abused woman to me all around. 

This is the bottomline for me. I hated all of it. I don't enjoy seeing rough sex at all. To me, it was all just ugly! Ugly men abusing women and naive women going along with it because they have absolutely no self respect. 

Go ahead and fire away at me, but that's how I see it and I will say this. I don't want to see it again. It made me quite sad and depressed today.

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Well Amy I went back and actually looked at the marathon and it seems you are absolutely on the money--He was limp dicking it through 95% of the action--Maybe he used it all up on candy --It appeared she really got off when he poured it to her--I think it was very rough also but I don't know her likes and dislikes--All in all you state a good argument--I also hate to see a woman abused

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8 hours ago, Amy3 said:

I missed nothing of the sort, I'm sorry to say. What I missed was the typical long drawn out bullshit they always do for the sole purpose of gaining views for money. This is not even close to real life, it's a cam show where they don't look in the cameras. I have no doubt that Anna and Alex are paying Dean, Candy, Rex, and Dana to come over and have sex with them. Then they draw it out for as long as possible for views. The truth of the matter is this, I don't like these people. They seem very shallow and vacuous. I don't like the way they treat each other and I don't like the looks on their faces. Dean comes across like a Mr. Know It All and then can't seem to keep from cumming 2 seconds after he starts fucking. He cums so easily that it seems to surprise even himself. Then he stands there and stares at his phone as if Candy didn't even exist to him, which seems to be the common reaction of these guys. Then there is Anna and  Alex, whom I won't even bother with cause you already know where I stand with them. But, for the sake their performance last night, forgetful at best. Had Dean gone more then 10 seconds with the DP, perhaps it would have been newsworthy, but alas no and the reaction from Anna and Alex was nil.

Ok, as for Rex and Dana. Let me just say that it made me cry watching them. What you guys saw was not what I saw. I saw a girl being raped. NO, I don't mean that she was raped. I mean that when I think of what rape looks like, I think it pretty much looks like this. What I saw was a very angry man forcing his girlfriend to suck and fuck his limp dick for 3 hours. It wasn't fun to watch at all. It wasn't sexy and it wasn't fun and it wasn't exciting in any way. Smacking a girl on the ass is one thing but I think his manner of smacking her in the face, choking her, blindfolding her, and sissor-holding her head was horrendous. She did not look like she was enjoying it too me. Feel free to try and say she was, I disagree. She looks like a puppy who has been beaten down so bad that she'll agree to anything the master wants. I see this in her mannerisms outside of sex. She is off, aloof, and introverted. She looks like an abused woman to me all around. 

This is the bottomline for me. I hated all of it. I don't enjoy seeing rough sex at all. To me, it was all just ugly! Ugly men abusing women and naive women going along with it because they have absolutely no self respect. 

Go ahead and fire away at me, but that's how I see it and I will say this. I don't want to see it again. It made me quite sad and depressed today.

Hi Amy, i agree with everything you said about the Rex and Dana abuse, you don't need to respond to my private message i sent to you, you said it all here. i' like to ask you guys who had no problem with this mf'r slapping her across the face over and over again and othe abuse, , blindfolded at some points where she didnt even see it coming, We were all appalled by Alex throwing Anna to the floor the other day, suppose this f'r Rex threw Dana to the floor in the middle of the "lovemaking", and then got down and fucked her some more, would you say that was ok too, that she let him do it, so she must be down with it, and it was during sex, people do all kinds of weird shit during sex, or would that be over the line for you. And no need to attack Amy and i for our opinions, Not that anyone has,

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I'm just shocked that anyone could watch that and get turned on. I suppose from an analyitical point of view it could be interesting to see the dynamics of ugly human behavior, but to say it was exciting in a sexual way as if to say it was hot I cannot fathom. One of the most powerful things that I have learned from watching Anna and Alex is that rough sex bares undeniable consequences and they are all negative. It is a wicked trap. There is a reason Rex "The Limp Master" can't have an orgasm after a normal amount of sex. It's because he is so sexually broken that his nerve ending require an ever progressing level of sensation to produce the same high. It works just like cocaine and the result is equal. It becomes a sickness. I can only feel saddness watching that. 

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as i said yesterday the slapping, choking, hair pulling, smothering completely ruined their sex for me. the way he was pulling her neck at 1 point could have resulted in permanent injury or death. dana needs help to learn how to deal with the abuse that has led her to feel worthless enough to allow someone to treat her like shit. there may be a place for this type of behavier but it's called a fetish site. then people could choose to see it if that's what they want. agree or disagree, fine. this has changed the way that i view these sites & this forum & not for the better. no one should be treated that way. if rex cares at all about dana he should be helping her to get counciling, not contributing to her sense of worthlessness & no self esteem.

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