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I contacted support about the blue night vision I told them you can't see anything and they assured me that you could see  :huh:

so if someone could send support some screenshots of the blue night vision I would appreciate it  

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Everytime, I swear..  It appears as if very often when an event starts or is about to start, the cams for that apartment go down.  How in the heck VHTV thinks they are going to keep their subscribers with this often occurring defect is beyond me. Perehaps they simply do not care.  BTW, VHTV, no you cannot see with this "blue light" vision you have for cam 4 and 5 in this apartment.  Moreover, there is no night vision cams for the living room..  

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12 minutes ago, mic351 said:

Cada vez, lo juro .. Parece como si muy a menudo cuando un evento se inicia o está a punto de comenzar, las levas de ese apartamento bajar. ¿Cómo diablos VHTV piensa que van a mantener a sus suscriptores con este defecto ocurre a menudo está más allá de mí. Perehaps que simplemente no les importa. Por cierto, VHTV, no, no puede ver con esta visión "azul claro" que tiene para la leva 4 y 5 de este apartamento. Por otra parte, no hay noche levas visión de la sala de estar ..  

In the kitchen of Maria and Grisha there is night vision and camera quality is horrible in all apartments, not to mention the continuous freezing in all apartments... we VH believe, even with horrible failures, that you are making enough money to make this work better than any site! Work a little for the people that are paying, this is already beginning to be an embarrassment!

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