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Trump Will be Impeached

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I don't where Foamy got punked video, my guess is you tube. 

As far as the Russians,of course they are doing everything they can to affect our elections. That put out more propaganda and BS constantly, They are insanely jealous of American capitalism, and how the dollar controls the world markets. 

Putin and his bunch are as corrupt as they come, and shit on us every chance he and his clowns get, It really pisses me off that we sometimes are so naïve as not to see through their crap, and to some degree, I think the current administration is saying to FO, we are going to become very strong militarily again, and you will quit playing these stupid games with us. We simply are no longer going to be taken advantage of around the globe. You want our money you become an alley or screw off.

I know my son, who was on a big boat in the Mediterranean Sea, told me that the Russians,  follow them but won't come to close now that Trump is in office and Mad Dog Mattis has made it clear not to screw with us, but before when Obama was in office, he said they would get on their ass and point the guns laser pointers at them. He also told me that a couple of those little Iranian speed boats buzzed them and were also pointing their guns lasers at couple helicopters that were taking from the flight deck, and CO told them get them little terminates the hell out of here, and instructed the men with a couple gatling 50 cals to make a few circles around them, he said those little fucking boats took off and never looked back, and they have not seen any since, that almost 8 months ago. LOLOL:biggrin: PEACE thru STRENGTH.

The FBI and DOJ have had some real shitty worthless and weak suits in charge lately and they need to GFO, and be replaced by some of the boots that actually do the work and understand intelligence and the value of it.

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On 2/8/2018 at 1:37 PM, rammer said:

Just curious.  From RT?

The voice is that of Democrat Representative Adam Schiff of California. The other two guys are well known Russian comedians. They had a field day with him!

It's been plastered on YouTube. Ask the Russian members about the comedians authenticity. https://youtu.be/2pc1STVd0po


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A lot people say racist President, but is he really right > Impeach the idiots in California, not the one who is trying to fix this kind of shit.

California has the 6th largest economy in the world. Completely broke state year after year. Impeach Trump why because he is right about immigration reforms ? Because he is right about slowing down the pace of immigration, and the burden on American taxpayers.

Impeach that screwball Pelosi I say !!!


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