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7 hours ago, Amy3 said:

It's not just a piece of fabric though Jabbath. It represents my country and this act of turning it into a carpet is designed for the sole purpose of offending me. You're not an American, you don't get it. 

I agree Amy, here the flag is supposed to be respected and not used as a damn thrown rug!!  We have laws about desecrating the American flag.  You don't see the Russian flag being used here to walk all over!!

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Thx for the support Manbat321. Some things are beyond the pale. For me, this is one of those things. It says to me that somene there hates my country. I won't follow this apt as long as that rug is there. Simple as that. I would hope that my fellow Americans will do the same out of respect to those who sacrifice(d) their lives for our freedom and liberty.

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Just now, Amy3 said:

Thx for the support Manbat321. Some things are beyond the pale. For me, this is one of those things. It says to me that somene there hates my country. I won't follow this apt as long as that rug is there. Simple as that. I would hope that my fellow Americans will do the same out of respect to those who sacrifice(d) their lives for our freedom and liberty.

I concur!!  I think if more Americans here spoke up about the rug and how offensive we find it to be, VH would have it removed!!  I've had several family members who have fought and died for the freedoms we enjoy and seeing a flag draped coffin carrying a loved one to their final resting place is an indelible image for me.  

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3 minutes ago, manbat321 said:

I concur!!  I think if more Americans here spoke up about the rug and how offensive we find it to be, VH would have it removed!!  I've had several family members who have fought and died for the freedoms we enjoy and seeing a flag draped coffin carrying a loved one to their final resting place is an indelible image for me.  

Me too! I was in Arlington Cemetery last year and seeing a flag covered coffin pulled on a cart by horse drove me to tears. Maybe it's just an American thing, but to me the flag of my country represents all that is great about this country. Politics aside, it gives me hope for a better world. I won't stand for it being used as a rug in a foreign land.

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4 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

Me too! I was in Arlington Cemetery last year and seeing a flag covered coffin pulled on a cart by horse drove me to tears. Maybe it's just an American thing, but to me the flag of my country represents all that is great about this country. Politics aside, it gives me hope for a better world. I won't stand for it being used as a rug in a foreign land.

I know what you mean by this. Besides that flag thing I can tell you I once have been to a cemetery in France where American soldiers were buried in WW2. And I felt very thankful thinking those men helped liberating my country and without their sacrifice I maybe wont stand there. Thats a thing I wont ever forget what the Americans did for Germany an Europe.

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I've had a cousin and my Grandfather buried with honors and I can still hear the sounds of the 21 gun salute and taps being played to this day.  I have the flag that was on my Grandfather's coffin and I cherish it and I know that any other family that has experienced this feels the same!  

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Thanks you guys! Very much appreciate the comments. I will simply hope that the flag rug dissappears from this apt. If it does, please let me know and I'll send views again.

Ok, I know I'm killing this poor thread. Back to your regularly scheduled programming.

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