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Rose, Katie & Phil, Lena & Peter

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30 minutes ago, AlexLina said:

Queridos amigos, que no tenía intención de ofender con la alfombra, por lo que se eliminan  ?❤️

For my part there are no problem AlexLina. I think that took out some answer and has been given too much importance. Great job with the apartments and tenants! So follow friends, going on the right track but still remains much work to do! A greeting!

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5 minutes ago, Gudari said:

Со своей стороны, нет никаких проблем AlexLina. Я думаю, что достал какой-то ответ, и было дано слишком большое значение. Большая работа с квартирами и жильцами! Так следовать друзьям, идя на правильном пути, но все еще остается много работы! Приветствие!

Thank You! We work for you. I hope we don't last pleasing You??

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2 hours ago, AlexLina said:

Dear friends,we didn't mean to offend you with carpet, so removed it ?❤️

As American thank you but the thought never crossed my mind that you were meaning to offend

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2 minutes ago, jabbath1987 said:

Thanks did they talk about plans for naked Saturday lately?

No. They think more about money (they have little money before salary) and how to spend evening (games and entertainment it was interesting to subscribers).

Inside the house - naked for them is not a problem.

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