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HFB......Say what you want thread!!


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1 minute ago, euromike69 said:

This has got to be the most fun that I've had in a very long time on CC,,why didn't I think of starting my own thread a long time ago:biggrin::biggrin:


I thank harleyboy for this thread, it really is funny... most funny of it all, you actually think I get offended by being called gay

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7 minutes ago, ed2 said:

I thank harleyboy for this thread, it really is funny... most funny of it all, you actually think I get offended by being called gay

Did you not read my comment,,,i know that you are gay and proud for real no joke,,,,that's why I didn't see why you didn't just tell Harley how much you love him instead of speaking in Code,,,,We don't care if you're gay and like Weiner in your Butt,,,you're the one getting pounded not me.

When Harley comes home drunk and gives you a black eye and make your butt bleed,,,,just call me I'll take you to the hospital.::)


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What I find so interesting is the person who started this thread-thinks that he is the one true virtuous voice for all of CC .

But in reality-he is only one lonely little person's intellect (not speaking of physical size IE fatboy) and his delusional rants

that craves attention and to be heard.  And if he can get others to agree with him and suck them in (literally or figuratively)

then he has a captive audience in here.  

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4 minutes ago, euromike69 said:

You notice what I don't do in the regular forums ,,,, I don't call anyone's name,,,so if you and others feel offended then it's on you,,,who the cap/fits let them wear it,,,,how can you personally feel offended when i don't call your name,,,you are the one putting yourself into my comment,,,and making yourself fit into my narrative,,,and if I point out people has being stupid then you would only get offended if you were as stupid as I describe in my comments.::)::)

You are kinda stupid though if I just had to explain it to you here now:biggrin::biggrin:

I agree, I'm not the brightest thing on earth, but you obviously are!

I know a guy with that self-image..... you don't have orange hair, do you?

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Well I just caught up and the one's that are always putting down other people have reared their ugly heads once again.  I'm glad I could provide a place for you righteous one's to come and vent.  Carry on........please carry on!!  I haven't had this much fun and laughed so much as I have getting caught up on this thread.   Euromike, Happyone, Snakeater, you guys rock!!  I don't know what I would do without you all showing your true colors, please continue.

Ed2,  you don't have to take the bullshit that these guys are posting, I can take the bullshit for both of us.  Don't get all caught up in their childish games.  What they post on this thread speaks volumes about who they truly are.  Save yourself now Ed2 before it's two late and don't ever let these guys put thoughts such as suicide in your head LOL.

Now back to our regularly schedule bullshit posts..........carry on stooges!!

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7 minutes ago, happyone said:

What I find so interesting is the person who started this thread-thinks that he is the one true virtuous voice for all of CC .

But in reality-he is only one lonely little person's intellect (not speaking of physical size IE fatboy) and his delusional rants

that craves attention and to be heard.  And if he can get others to agree with him and suck them in (literally or figuratively)

then he has a captive audience in here.  

HarleyFatboy and vortis, I get the impression sometimes, they think they speak the more true voice of RLC costumers, even though they are not subscribers themselfs. I can see how that prowokes you.

I never pretended to speak for others tham myself.

We also have another member on here, who think he is the most intelegent living creature on planet earth.

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3 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

Well I just caught up and the one's that are always putting down other people have reared their ugly heads once again.  I'm glad I could provide a place for you righteous one's to come and vent.  Carry on........please carry on!!  I haven't had this much fun and laughed so much as I have getting caught up on this thread.   Euromike, Happyone, Snakeater, you guys rock!!  I don't know what I would do without you all showing your true colors, please continue.

Ed2,  you don't have to take the bullshit that these guys are posting, I can take the bullshit for both of us.  Don't get all caught up in their childish games.  What they post on this thread speaks volumes about who they truly are.  Save yourself now Ed2 before it's two late and don't ever let these guys put thoughts such as suicide in your head LOL.

Now back to our regularly schedule bullshit posts..........carry on stooges!!

Boy Harley you try so hard to act normal. But we all know it is an act and your true love is waiting for you. Right ED2. What true colors we are just responding in kind to you and your post.

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3 minutes ago, ed2 said:

HarleyFatboy and vortis, I get the impression sometimes, they think they speak the more true voice of RLC costumers, even though they are not subscribers themselfs. I can see how that prowokes you.

I never pretended to speak for others tham myself.

We also have another member on here, who think he is the most intelegent living creature on planet earth.

Unlike you ED2 I speak only for myself. Also you need to get your facts straight before you accuse. I have been a subscriber of RLC and CC longer than you have by quite awhile.

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11 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

Ed2,  you don't have to take the bullshit that these guys are posting, I can take the bullshit for both of us.  Don't get all caught up in their childish games.  What they post on this thread speaks volumes about who they truly are.  Save yourself now Ed2 before it's two late and don't ever let these guys put thoughts such as suicide in your head

Too late, this guys already drove me to suicide (laughing to death), now speaking from the grave.


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15 minutes ago, Snakeater said:

Boy Harley you try so hard to act normal. But we all know it is an act and your true love is waiting for you. Right ED2. What true colors we are just responding in kind to you and your post.

We've been married for years. Harleyboy are out just now, getting treatment for aids, but I'm looking forward to his return, we'll have a proper ass fuck

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