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Anna & Alex, Bree & Drew - Part 1

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5 minutes ago, groomy said:

Well, then she left cheerful. She left for a night or more. Have a good time. Just a bit of female hysteria. Nothing serious. By the way, she seems to be leaving soon (in other city).


Another city? So the Ashley question may be coming to an end. Out of the project and so Misty and Anna apartments return in their standard routine?

I thought she could replace it in C & J's apartment, since by the suitcase that we see next to the porch, someone will be there very soon (definitive or on a new trip).

Even so, you now clarify that Dean is no longer a variable in this equation.

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5 minutes ago, thedbear said:

Another city? So the Ashley question may be coming to an end. Out of the project and so Misty and Anna apartments return in their standard routine?

I thought she could replace it in C & J's apartment, since by the suitcase that we see next to the porch, someone will be there very soon (definitive or on a new trip).

Even so, you now clarify that Dean is no longer a variable in this equation.

Dean is a friend, but not Ashley's boyfriend in the current state. As for another city, she does not yet know when she will go. But it will be soon. Maybe this week. Maybe in a week. Maybe by the end of the month.

But when she leaves, she will disappear from the project. And most likely for a long time. If not forever.

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3 minutes ago, groomy said:

Dean is a friend, but not Ashley's boyfriend in the current state. As for another city, she does not yet know when she will go. But it will be soon. Maybe this week. Maybe in a week. Maybe by the end of the month.

But when she leaves, she will disappear from the project. And most likely for a long time. If not forever.

tks men:cool:

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1 hour ago, groomy said:

Dean is a friend, but not Ashley's boyfriend in the current state. As for another city, she does not yet know when she will go. But it will be soon. Maybe this week. Maybe in a week. Maybe by the end of the month.

But when she leaves, she will disappear from the project. And most likely for a long time. If not forever.

Well then I hope Ashley will have a great and long life and will make her way in the new city. Many bad things has been said about her but she's still a human and she did nothing bad. She tried to adapt but you could see this life is not for her. She found it out now and she's moving on. Bye Ashley. Wish you only the best :heart:

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I was very critical of her behavior on this site, but I don't think I said anything bad or mean about her. She definitely made a big impact on us. Anyways, I hope she finds happiness at last!Β 

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while i wish her no harm of course she really threw a wrench in the workings of the project. fortunately a & a are getting back on track with the addition of misty & the increase in general activity. also it helped that vh has enough apts & action to keep us occupied. if this had been vv for example & their top apt had done nothing there would have been no reason to watch . allthough vh is far from perfect they do make a huge attempt to move forward & are learning from any mistakes rather than be stagnant. and on a possitve note allthough i know nothing this should make it easier to bring in more people like terry or a reasonable facsimile in the near future.

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26 minutes ago, golfer06 said:

while i wish her no harm of course she really threw a wrench in the workings of the project. fortunately a & a are getting back on track with the addition of misty & the increase in general activity. also it helped that vh has enough apts & action to keep us occupied. if this had been vv for example & their top apt had done nothing there would have been no reason to watch . allthough vh is far from perfect they do make a huge attempt to move forward & are learning from any mistakes rather than be stagnant. and on a possitve note allthough i know nothing this should make it easier to bring in more people like terry or a reasonable facsimile in the near future.

Yes back to bring in Terry now.Β 

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13 hours ago, ashleyxyz said:

Dean would never be my manfriend, he's not my type at all.So i won't be picking him up anytime soon. If you can tell me where i can pick up Bogdan on RLC, and Nelly would let me borrow him for an hour, i'll be right over!

Ahh, a woman with excellent taste in men and possibly the only man left on RLC
who's worth a tinker's damn. Except possibly Sasha and Tibor. Not saying they'd
be your type, just that they seem to know how to satisfy their partners. And since
you only want Bogdan for an hour, I'm guessing that would be high on your priority
list. :shy:

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