StnCld316 Posted July 17, 2015 Posted July 17, 2015 On 2015-07-17 at 3:52 AM, SanPer58 said: By the looks of this picture they may have come to terms.
tonpied Posted July 17, 2015 Posted July 17, 2015 On 2015-07-17 at 4:52 AM, SanPer58 said: Sodomie...
Baker48 Posted July 17, 2015 Posted July 17, 2015 There was an attempt in bed when they woke up that Kira was trying to wake and give some attention to Nina in the form of kissing and boob caressing. Don't know if this,went any further as it was time for bed. Hope things improve for these two but don't see the other 2 returning. Hope I am wrong as it seemed they had a good time together.
sereno Posted July 17, 2015 Posted July 17, 2015 She has never had the most bubbly personality, often seen submissive, humbled, and down, during the mornings in particular, when attempting to wake up Mr. Bitchy Shorthaired Goddess, but in this pic she looks the saddest I have ever seen her since they arrived at this apt. She really loves this girl and is obviously very affected by her not being present.
sereno Posted July 17, 2015 Posted July 17, 2015 The black dress and stockings makes her look like avery hot airline flight attendant!
StnCld316 Posted July 18, 2015 Posted July 18, 2015 On 2015-07-17 at 5:14 PM, meeko said: Getting on better now (The Image Content is No Longer Accessible and has been Removed) Glad to see they have settled their differences and continue on.
Guest vkyour Posted July 18, 2015 Posted July 18, 2015 Nina has quarreled with Keira at the door entrance I suspect that this is the last time that we see these two duo
Guest vkyour Posted July 18, 2015 Posted July 18, 2015 Is the problem with her black hair where the fool in the afterlife and bilateral understands boiling Tricks minutes ago
Daryalok Posted July 18, 2015 Posted July 18, 2015 Is the problem with her black hair where the fool in the afterlife and bilateral understands boiling Tricks minutes ago Umm.. Please write that in your language.. It came out a bit odd on the english side.. :)
Guest vkyour Posted July 18, 2015 Posted July 18, 2015 With black hair with bilateral cheats who came
corboblanc Posted July 19, 2015 Posted July 19, 2015 holala!! le problème est plus simple!!!! nina et kira ne sont pas un couple fidèle!!! comme 90% des couples homosexuels, elles essayent de s'échanger!!! ce n'est pas la première fois qu'elles nous font des crises de larmes juste après avoir fait du sexe avec d'autres filles!!!! vouloir lécher la chatte d'une amie, risque de faire perdre cette amitié, et c'est ce que la petite brune lui a fait comprendre!!! pendant que la femme de sa vie, essayait de baiser avec l'autre fille du couple sur le canapé!!!! toutes leur prises de têtes, tournent autour de l'infidélité!!! mais ce n'est même pas de l'infidélité, puisque se sont elles même, qui ont décidées d'être sexuellement libres!!!! plus facile à dire qu'à faire!!!! olala !! the problem is simpler !!!! nina and kira are not a faithful couple !!! as 90% of homosexual couples, they try to exchange !!! this is not the first time they make us crying spells just after sex with other girls !!!! want to lick pussy of a friend, is likely to lose this friendship, and that's what the brunette made her understand !!! while the woman of his life, trying to kiss the other girl with the couple on the couch !!!! all taken their heads revolve around infidelity !!! but it is not even infidelity, since they have even decided who to be sexually free !!!! easier said than done !!!! :o :o :-\
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