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Everything posted by disneykid

  1. What about Kira she was also very smartly dressed ,but then again she always is😀
  2. When are they golng to sort out this isp problem the picture still keeps freezing
  3. Who are the flowers and the teddy for Kira or Masha ?
  4. Is anyone having problems with signal today ,the picture keeps freezing
  5. You told me to work on my doom & gloom ,it was only a joke when I said change sugar ducks name that will never happen, we need a name for KIRAs dog , I surgested happy dog ,we will have to wait and see🐶 you have to admit Kira has been down abit lately ,but having a long talk with the sgt major in bed this morning it’s all smiles again👍
  6. Rename sugar duck and now with KIRAs dog they could be called Doom and Gloom(ha ha) hows that Sturm/😀
  7. Nina has SUGAR DUCK how about Kira has HAPPY DOG just a thought🐶
  8. At last a smile back on KIRAs face🐶
  9. Kira has something on her mind that is worrying her , Nina is trying to cheer her without much success
  10. I have to give credit where credit is due to Nina she has worked hard in this house she is now doing the ironing.not leaving Kira out she has also done her bit. She has to do her work from home😻 I know they have their ups and downs I think a lot of it might be down to tiredness you can’t keep going on about 5 hours sleep😴😴
  11. Whats upset Kira this afternoon she is not a very happy bunny is it Nina again
  12. i should of said i wont mention that word starting with S
  13. I think Alex should go and buy a new bathrobe tha one has had it and Sturm I’ve kept my promise not to mention sex😀
  14. All 4 in the jacuzzi tonight come on girls get those bikinis off ,give Lex a boner😀😀😀
  15. We need another camera in the kitchen cooking area as we can’t see what Kira is making 😝 why would you need 3 cameras in the guest room?
  16. I think the girls need to make an appointment with the marriage councillors ,argument are getting more often,
  17. Just warm the jacuzzi up ,soak your cares away,
  18. They have just gone out together ,maybe to sort their problems out away from the cameras and M &L Kira is always on the receiving end and usually has to sort it out. Nina with her crocodile tears. 😂 I just hope they make up🤞
  19. Is the end of Nina & Kira I really hope not? ive had my suspicions for a while now that things didn’t seam right between them/
  20. Back to normal another disagreement ,this one is serious Nina has taken off her wedding ring
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