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Everything posted by disneykid

  1. I take it all back about an argument I think Kira was pissed out of her mind drinking beer is ok ,but in the end she was knocking back shorts she is just about coming round 🤢🤮
  2. Everything appears to be working well so far with the 4 of them time will tell As for Nina she deserves praise she has worked hard getting things done ,so has all of them👍
  3. The Christmas tree the girls put up today is artificial ,it came in 3 parts ,it’s the one they had in their first apartment !⛄️⛄️
  4. I don’t know what the girls are on today but I would like some. they are very happy dancing away in the kitchen 🌈⛄️
  5. We need another camera the other end of the cooking area to see what Kira is making 👨‍🍳
  6. Is this the new Nina she is doing the cooking tonight👍
  7. Is this the new Nina out of bed before teatime😀
  8. I works wonders for the girls first time I’ve seen them smile today
  9. Having lived as a couple for many years it must be abit strange sharing with another couple all be it your best friends I hope things work out ,they all looked abit bored this evening🛴🛴
  10. I could Just see Kira leaning over the table trying to hit the balls🤪
  11. With first impressions we’ve all been a bit critical ( including me)know how the girls work it will soon be ship shape and bristol fashion into a lovely home as for M & L haven’t seen a lot of them let’s hope things work out between the four of them
  12. I worked with cables most of my working life,if I left cables like that I would have been sacked
  13. Kira will have a big job tidying up the cables lying all over the floors I must admit she is very good at it😻 we need Kjeld to sort out the cameras
  14. How are they going to shave their bits~? With no bath Maybe shave each other, that would be interesting 👍
  15. If they all got naked there would be no problem ( a nudist apartment,) that would be different 🤪
  16. Disappointed I think you should of stayed where you were .only one camera in the kitchen
  17. The girls are back online ,a bit disappointed a shower no bath
  18. They had this problem in the last apartment ,the men don’t work at weekends ,maybe that’s why the girls aren’t on line yet. We will have to be patient .lt will be worth it in the end 🦆🦆
  19. Any one know what’s happening with the girls?
  20. Hi Sturm and you moan about me being sex mad with N & K I too like girl on girl ,can’t stand the shirt lifters man on man there queer
  21. What’s happened to the girls today ,have they got a few problems
  22. Don’t you mean one adorable lady❤️
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