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Everything posted by disneykid

  1. Happy new year Sterm Kjeld thinks it because of the stairs . My thought is it would be warmer in a smaller room🤷‍♂️
  2. Yes I know but the saying is western . Which ever way peace in the house again ,till the next time😺
  3. All quiet on the western front❤️❤️😻
  4. As said this morning it most probable a lot warmer being it’s a smaller room / i think cam 12 next to Kira needs raising up a little .it’s abit low🤷‍♂️
  5. Nice to see Kira topless cooking again🧑‍🍳
  6. Are the girls moving bedrooms as they are changing all the clothes around? as the guest room is a lot smaller it might be a lot warmer it was just a thought🤔
  7. Has there been a falling out again everyone is in the kitchen Nina in bed?
  8. Start 2021 as you mean to go on ,stop teasing us and welcome the new year in maybe tonight’s the night 😺
  9. I hope to see a lot more scenes like this in the new rear /sorry I was thinking of Kira then ,I should of said new year a lot less dome and gloom would be nice 😻
  10. I nice they are all getting on well together , one thing I noticed is Kira loosing weight those grey trousers looked very baggy🙋‍♂️ Happy new year let hope it’s better than this one
  11. When are they going to sort the bloody signal out ,it keeps freezing it’s doing my head in
  12. I should think with two many on this time of the year the server can’t handle this much traffic
  13. I know Kira has been very hurt with this argument, but please sort Nina out the way she is going she is heading for a nervous breakdown. it doesn’t matter who is right or wrong just sort it out hurry up you I’ll have us all crying
  14. I thought it strange the girls went their separate ways at Christmas Nina left early Christmas Eve and didn’t come home till Christmas Day evening I think that’s when the shit hit the fan / I have my suspicions .but I’ll leave it that I hope they sort this problem out🥵
  15. Come on you two sort you’re self’s out ,we don’t like to see you arguing. make the new year a happier one, not just for you two ,but for all of us (Please)😻
  16. We might aswell finish the end of the year with another argument
  17. I thought we had two new housemates .the girls have been to the hairdressers . looking lovely for Christmas I would. Like to wish the them all a peaceful and safe Christmas from this terrible virus/ they are like a distant family for all of us Happy Christmas Everyone 🧑‍🎄
  18. Sorry chipper but that’s my saying .ask Sturm/😀
  19. I think we will both have to agree we’ve said what we think ,I think it’s time to drop it now. have a lovely Christmas and stay safe from this terrible virus🧑‍🎄
  20. Looking back I think I should have kept that sentence in as I was only telling the truth ,but it made dormy happy , after all its the. season of goodwill I have to agree with Sturm they do argue ,but they sort things out, thats why we love them🎅
  21. An early Christmas present for Nina looks like Kira has to wait a few days before she gets hers Kira knows how to please her wife ,true love 🌈😍
  22. What was the good news Kira had last night🤩
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