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Everything posted by disneykid

  1. I still don’t think Kira is a 100% right with Nina ,she sitting in bed with a long face again then just turned over and went to sleep with Nina trying to kiss her what happened the other night ,I think Kira is very hurt
  2. I think Nina needs to see a doctor she has just passed out in the kitchen
  3. Thank you Nina for getting Kira s smile back❤️
  4. I don’t know what that row was about but Kira isn’t a happy bunny she made dinner Nina tried to cheer her up to no avail Cheer up life’s too short to be miserable problems can be solved I don’t like to see Kira like this 😹
  5. Well Sturm yes I did over step the mark about going to bed for which iam truly sorry I’m sorry you think I’m always complaining that’s not the way I see it I wouldn’t hurt these two lovely girls for all the tea in China as for D & G I only mentioned. It once but it seams I got stuck with it , let’s start the new year with a clean slate H N Y👷‍♂️
  6. We’re all given our opinion,right or wrong ,good or bad including me ,but I think it’s time to let the dust settle And let the girls sort it out🤞
  7. I won’t mention any names ,I got told off last time
  8. Will you hurry up and sort it out I want to go to bed
  9. I think it might go back chrismas and a third person as Nina Was out alnight
  10. What’s going on with the girls tonight Kira upset refusing Ninas advances ,Nina gets up and walks out of the bedroom leaving Kira on the bed almost crying something not right with the girls for awhile this one looks very serious
  11. Eat sleep and look at your phone☹️ aiso the kissing and cuddling never leads to anything ( teasing again)) 😁
  12. Thank you summer for your reply ,we both made our point, we will leave at that . that’s what this forum is all about ,too agree and disagree look forward to hearing from you sometime in the future 😺
  13. I know your new to this site but please don’t say Kira doesn’t love the kitten, they both love all the cats they brought up butch & sundance up from kittens so they know what they are doing . as why Kira was upset that’s between the girls ,nothing to do with us. sorry for the rant ,but welcome to the site😻
  14. No but I think Kira did have a few tears
  15. Have the girls got a problem it’s all doom and gloom again? at least there are sittiing on the couch not a cold bathroom floor
  16. The three cleaners are hard at work N & K and Hairball, spick and span for the new year🥰
  17. Hi sterm you’re abit behind the times hairball has been out a couple times already 😀
  18. No mystery she often takes it off to shower ,maybe she forgot to put back on , don’t worry they are still married 🤪
  19. Just to let you know Kira has her wedding ring on
  20. What’s up with Nina now ,there sitting on the bathroom floor again having some sort of discussion? hormones maybe?
  21. Any name for the kitten yet? Asi it’s grey how about Smokey😻
  22. Kira not wearing her wedding ring again 😕
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