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Everything posted by disneykid

  1. Nina crying again Kira the peace maker
  2. Hi sturm they used to do the self indulgence on CB but you had to pay to watch I don’t think it’s their sort of thing possible Nina but not Kira, I apologise for mentioning the convent it was meant to have been a joke I hope I didn’t upset the girl let’s get back to what they do best some hot loving sessions does any one know what the card game was they played last week is ? that must have been their best ever love show especially the loving cuddle at the end Brilliant ❤️❤️
  3. Two weeks of hot love making, now we are back to St Peter convent with Mother superior Nina and sister Kira ,has the cold weather got to them, you should be cuddling up to one another to keep warm
  4. It would mean Nina putting her laptop down. , I think Kira knew what she was doing (no health &safety in Russia) Kira couldn’t use the step ladder as you have to stand straight on ,there wasn’t enough room . if the steps were side on they could topple over if Kira lent over too far! it would have been better to have taken the cushion off as that could of slipped but all safely done well done Kira💁
  5. As it’s a high rise building would it be the wind under the. Hall way door
  6. Kira trying to get to sleep ,doesn’t Nina ever learn ,not just the laptop but now the big light aswell✌️
  7. I’ve just been watching Kira tyding up the cables in the living room and passageway, All I can say is she has done a very good job. I done it for 16 years so I know what she was doing Well done Kira👍👍
  8. Don’t spoil it today Nina, it’s KIRAs day,give her what ever she wants just seen Nina at masha&lex maybe to collect the rent I presume Kira has gone to see her parents
  9. Happy Birthday Kira Have a great day from the Kid🐱❤️
  10. Looking back I think I should have said I mentioned it on CC. not told the girls about no cameras. sorry for the misunderstanding 🤧
  11. Kira was looking at CC at the time she must of seen it! anyway all is now working ,I had faith in the girls 👍👍👍
  12. I was watching naked chef Kira last night ,when the cameras went dead i told the girls about it on CCs they did check all the cables ,but it might be a major fault we will have to wait and see 👎
  13. looks looks like all the cameras on the kitchen side have all gone off again
  14. going back to last night Nina was worried about Kira being late. I can understand her worry Kira was on her electric scooter they are dangerous things there has been a lot of accidents in London lately its safer by car or bus it looks like they have sorted out their problem thank goodness the trouble is they are both strong willed girls ,usually Kira sorts it out first
  15. you should never go to sleep with an argument sort it out first you will feel a lot better in the morning. (Trust me I’ve done it) come girls let’s have those smiles back🐯
  16. That’s no excuse ,they have enough phones between them
  17. Last night all loving and happy Tonight upset and long faces Whats Nina done or not done ? Kira has been out all day can’t see she has done anything wrong Not a couple of happy bunny’s😂
  18. As I have said what a wonderful session last night no wonder Kira does workouts she needs it to satisfy Nina I agree the lighting needs sorting out I still think another light Kiras side would help . atleast they are doing it with the lights on better than the night cameras Maybe Kiras turn tonight ( hopefully)🐯👍 do you know what the card games is they play
  19. I’ll take back what I said about Nina refusing Kira . I think she had something planned what a lovely sensual, sexy loving love making night ,true love a it’s best and moving the light made all the better thank you Nina and Kira ❤️❤️❤️
  20. It was all going so well with girls the but this afternoon Kira kept trying for a bit of the other but back to the old days Nina kept refusing her maybe Kira will be lucky later tonight
  21. I think Nina needs a light her side of the bed aswell ,because when Kiras new light is on Cam 7 only picks Nina up in a shadow or move the camera.😹
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