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Everything posted by disneykid

  1. You keep on shaving Kira it looks much better that way and more hygieneic
  2. Whose coming my putin? more like the landlady
  3. Did I see Kira with another camera in the bathroom it was laying on the shelf Does that mean we might. Have another one in there also that new round light is on a tripod ,could they not use the tripod for a camera in the bedroom then you could have any position you wanted for closeups
  4. Sturm a strop is an English saying for loosing your temper or another is loosing your rag I have to agree the girls aren’t very well organised when going out looking for phones or phone chargers but that’s our girl ,s you won’t change them , I like the way Kira works from home very casual
  5. I think the trouble started Kira had been ready to go out for about 10 minutes , Nina still farting about on lap top ,then could nt Find a top to go with her skirt Nina then through a strop said I’m not going Kira then stormed out the trouble is Kira is always waiting for Nina when they go out In the end I think the shit hit the fan Kira had enough, I too have never seen Kira in such a temper before
  6. All s well that end s. Well (I. Hope)
  7. The girls had a disgushion last night while laying on the bed, I don’t know what was said but Kira didn’t seam to like it much
  8. Just watching the girls in M&L app fixing up another bed and resiteimg the cameras WhereLooks like they may have hit the jackpot this time Third time lucky where they have moved cam5 by the headboard they need to do it with their bedroom brilliant postion
  9. It’s about time Nina showed a bit more respect to Kira (the girl that never stops) it’s about time Kira laid back and enjoy NIna s advances, we can only hope!
  10. Is that it for this month
  11. I also mentioned a little while ago it would be nice to have another camera the other end of the kitchen
  12. What are they doing moving the furniture all about, after Nina moved the camera for them
  13. Looking over the bath ,We don’t need to see the girls sitting on the throne that’s private
  14. i ask a siiy question so i get a silly answer back
  15. Things don’t work that way if Nina doesn’t what to play she won’t play nothing in the world that Kira try’s will change her mind. Nina will only have sex when Nina wants it( not often I’m afraird) 💁🏼
  16. As ive said before with Nina the laptop is more important than looking after Kira,s needs!
  17. I hope you enjoyed that ice cream Kira ,were all flagging with heat in the UK
  18. I see the girls are keeping and eye on their house mates
  19. Just seen N&K in their old app with M&L moving a camera in the living room closer to the sofa WHy didnt they move it when they lived there I still think they look at home there
  20. As I said Sturm. I’m old you never know when your time is up,that’s why I never give up These two lovely girls keep me going
  21. Thank you girls When do we test it!
  22. Im afraid so I’m an old sod 80 in a couple weeks
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