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Everything posted by disneykid

  1. I hope so I must admit I’m starting warm again to Doe so come on you two get your fingers out and make friends again And become the 3 amegos again So come on Nina sort them out
  2. Hi Sturm I agree now Nina and doe have made up I think Kira and doe should bite. the bullet say sorry give each other a kiss and a hug ,Life is too short these days with Viras still aroundLI think they should all go back to the app. Have one of Kiras meals and sort out the problems have a couple. Of drinks and relax a bit . Not have a 3 some ( it would be nice) that will never happen again but just be friends again It would be nice to Have a 2 some in the appp but I think. The landlady is anti lesbian , that maybe stopping the girls I would say I’m paying the rent so I will live my life as I want. And to Kira put your wedding ring back on you look lost without it ( I spoke too soon she has her wedding ring on this morning)
  3. I had a twitchy hand thinking of Kira 🤗
  4. I hope she doesn’t get that far .i don’t know what Nina is playing at . Its ever time Kira goes away I just hope Kira understands
  5. I only hope Kira know s all about the visit by you know who ( sorry I can’t use her name)
  6. Can someone help me ,I’ve contacted C C 3 times with no reply how do I become a premier member Thanks
  7. Keep going girls we all love you.X
  8. Nearly but not quite 😴 One day things will happen💁💁
  9. Thank you Thomazz I think you got the jist of my comments this morning I don’t think the girls have been happy since they moved in ,and today Kira looks pissed off , Maybe it’s work or worried about the cats ,only they know! Whot ever I won’t stop watching the girls ,I’ve been doing it for 3 years now , They will find away to get over what is worrying them ,
  10. I know there is a problem with lesbians in Russia now Kira has taken off her wedding ring What’s going on ,last night Kira was trying to get some sleep, Nina sitting up in bed knitting I thought ‘‘this was a voyeurs site not a convent ,next we will be calling Nina Mother Superior , I wonder if the land lady has put some restrictions on the girls, you never see them naked only in the bathroom They have to hide the birds when she comes for the rent. Nina & Kira are two very sexy women never had a problem with sex on all the other sites. Maybe why Nina keeps rejecting Kira not to upset the landlady If that is the case I think the girls need to look for another apartment ( l know money is tight) As I have said before I think the girls have sex away from the cameras as not much happens in this apartment That feels better I got it off my chest
  11. Nice to have the girls back ,but why is Kira not wearing her wedding ring❤️ Nina has got hers on👍
  12. Looks like another over night show sugar duck was put in the suitcase ,they have had a busy weekend It made a change Nina waiting for Kira ,but she has been organising the cat food Have a good show . Another weekend without a live show in the apartment Im running out of videos to watch the girls
  13. The girls need some privacy!
  14. Yes l agree ,we always seam to think the same
  15. Looking at the camera angle is not bad I think I would have put the camera the other side of the mirror looking straight down on the bath
  16. What time is Lights Camera Action In The bathroom with the new camera?
  17. The girls are putting the other camera in the bathroom why don’t they move the shower curtain to the other end as it’s getting in the way we’re it is
  18. I don’t know which cat itis ,I think it is sundance had the best view in the house Kira bending over . Its nice to see KIra relaxing , Nina take note1
  19. Coming to the end of august I see the girls are on track for their once a month bedroom sex session I think if Kira had her way it would be once a week ,but a servant has to obey her Queen, More rejection for Kira A couple of years ago it was spontaneous sex ,on the sofa ,in the bath etc, ( those were the days) It looks like things have changed now!
  20. I’ve never seen the girls move so quick to hide the birds when they heard the landlady was on he way to collect the rent They just made it in time
  21. You missed abit right there!😊
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