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Everything posted by disneykid

  1. I think that was a couple weeks ago
  2. I think Nina was up for it last night but not like Kira to miss an opportunity like that is she not feeling well I must admit Nina can be very loving when she wants too. True loving at it’s best keep it up girls
  3. Hi Sterm have you been at the meths again ( only joking) There are some strange things in the world that unexplainable Im surprised the cats. Haven’t picked anything up To change the subject isn’t time for Nina s birthday!
  4. By the look on Kiras face the heating has come on .that will save them some money
  5. I hope Kira isn’t coming down with the sore throat . she was having a long gargle in the bathroom just now it looks like get well to both of the girls . You needs some more chicken soup!
  6. I see the doctor came to see Nina this morning, I hope she is alright and not got the viras . What ever it is Kira will look after her. Get well Nina
  7. No way she is too smart for that ,she could easily look after herself!
  8. What would Nina do without Kira ?
  9. What’s up with Nina today she was really wound up ?
  10. The great Russian bake off /Nina is the winner!
  11. Did anyone understand what Nina said before they went out .?
  12. What a lovely loving couple last night I’ll take it all back what I said about no action in the bedroom I think that was one of the best I’ve ever seen with Nina leading the way before Kira taking over Thank you you lovely girls x👍
  13. Thanks Sturm I don’t know what I would do without you I am know a full time premier member
  14. Can anyone give me the video setting for the girl s video forum ,I’ve. Still got the line across thanks
  15. I have paid for 1 year premier membership and still say I do not have permission to view WHat is going on I have e mailed ccs Bill and cam caps with no reply can you help please
  16. sorry i hadnt noticed your name was top i wont do it again
  17. What is stuff the girls are drinking it looks like knats pee They knead a good old English brew ,put hairs on your chest
  18. Good morning girls Looking back over the last weeks I appears that you haven’t had any bedroom sex action since 1 July Has the. Landlady put a stop to it or a complaint from the neighbours I do hope things will change. As you have never had a problem before, as I said before you must be having. It Some where else ,your too sexy not too I don’t blame you good luck to you ,It’s your life
  19. But it won’t let me in I think it is a bad thing as we all pay our way
  20. As there has only been sleep action in the bedroom I wonder if the neighbours have complained about Nina being a bit too vocal during having sex As the walls being a bit thin people could hear everything going on That’s why I said before I think the girls are having a bit away from the apartment I can’t blame them ,It’s their life and at their age they must be rampant Well at least Kira will be🤩
  21. Thats fine by me you have your opinion ,I have mine ,that’s what these forums are for
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