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Everything posted by albundy1089

  1. I have not even looked, but how many of those constantly bitching about free cameras on RLC are actually premium members and supporting this board they are complaining on?
  2. Now that's a MILF if I've ever seen one.
  3. Looks like Nana got a new swimsuit. She has burns where there never were before. I need to put some lotion on that😉
  4. I had to post this one. Notice the file name is amy3.mp4. Now where have I heard the name Amy3 before? amy3.mp4
  5. WHY???? Is it that every time I log into RLC it opens either on Leora/Malia or the twins. Are those really the most popular residents on the site?
  6. Thanks Ash for the reminder-I had forgotten Jab's was in Germany. Glad to hear you and family are safe. Also @amandafanin Belgium, hopefully he is OK and well pissed off about yesterday's F1 race.
  7. Well said. Unfortunately, it appears that RLC is bringing back only retreads that they trust not to rock the boat. My take is that they are banking on new subscribers (that have never seen these people in their first four appearances) to support the site and hoping the older subscribers that supported them will be too set in their ways to cancel. They probably sit in meetings and read this board and laugh at us fools-bitching and paying every month so they can buy another villa in Sochi.
  8. The problem is that we are going against a near monopoly. Right now the only alternative is VH-TV and they are even worse. I re-upped after months of not subscribing, thinking that with Vivian, Tesla and Nana joining and Gina getting her place, maybe they were turning the corner. Then it got worse than ever. Now, all the Prague apartments are as boring as watching grass grow-unless you like watching women cheating on their partner or ultimate shows. The twins/N&B and Lola/Anna have made B2 and B4 unwatchable. Radi and Pam have done a great job this stay, but you can see they are tired and probably need to go home. Problem is, if they leave will Irma come back to "her" room? I've never been a fan of the COV place so I won't comment there. That leaves Gina, Martina and Stella (like watching a slow-motion train wreck). So is that worth the price or is is time to cancel again?
  9. He probably can't find a closing attorney that hasn't been screwed over by the current owner...
  10. Wow! Over 30 posts in 2 hours and I have no idea what I just read. What is the issue? Can anybody translate?
  11. Welcome to the board 1r1f2! Well said. You will find the ignore feature will make for much more pleasant reading. Just hover your mouse over the posters name and a popup will appear. Click the ignore button on the lower right and set your parameters. Harley is like a bad case of athletes foot. Just when you think you got rid of it, it comes back stronger and worse than ever. I've had him on ignore for a while and the only time I see his posts is when somebody answers him.
  12. This is weird. So many filters used that she no longer looks like a real person. Absolutely no character in her face.
  13. I included the link so you can have the earworm of the song like I do. It starts up Every. Time. I. See. Them.
  14. So there are now seven people living in this villa, and it has been totally unoccupied for how many hours today? From dropping in and out, I would guess at least 3-4 hours?
  15. Hopefully they are realizing that kitchen-only cams will not generate subscriptions. Not much sexy-time goes on there. If RLC is smart (🤓) they will realize that rotating the cams will get viewers attention. That may be why they show a room, then cut the feed when action heats up.
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