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Everything posted by madwolf33

  1. every time i think i'm going to come back to RLC they get a couple like this so i just save my money. they are not a couple. they have never had sex yet. and the one time i saw him try to kiss her on the neck she backed away in a hurry.
  2. don't know don't care. i never told anyone i could beat every ones ass that got in the ring with me. i was into boxing some martial arts. never worried about belts.7 years in the navy. 4 1/2 years of that was in the seals . i wanted to be able to survive not prove how bad i was. the worst beating i ever give and received was two guys over 6'3 each and well over 250 pounds each. i took them down and broke both there arms first thing i broke on of there jaws and some ribs of each one of them. because if i hadn't they would have killed me. and they almost did anyways. they ended up braking 27 of my bones that night. that was also the end of the navy for me. but i never did walk into a bar or step into a ring. and say i can beat any ones ass. like she did so when she got her ass handed to her i couldn't help but laugh my ass off
  3. this girl ran her mouth one time to many and got her ass handed to her. I LOVED IT
  4. it looks as this is a useless thread i dont think they are a couple at all.
  5. this couple has lasted 2 weeks longer than i thought they would because they are not a couple. THEY NEED TO GO
  6. has anyone even seen these two even touch each other much less fuck. i have never seen him at all and only seen here here and one or two times on cam.
  7. i dont know i think carla was just trying to get the house set up and sleep but the day they finished moving in that girl got wild.
  8. i have a question. Has anyone seen this girl naked yet
  9. they have to do something sense they lost Kristy and Kamila i bet they lost alot of paying people.
  10. i have a question. sense the two hot girls left has anyone seen nora take a shower. if she has i have missed it everytime
  11. this place looks like their old place now. nasty. i haven't watched them in a while but i'm willing to bet she back to taking a bath once a week again.
  12. i wont be watching this cam i'm sorry if i piss anyone off i just don't like fat girls
  13. i saw someone smoking in there so it might be the only place they can smoke in the house
  14. damn every thing on this girl from the tits up is fake and looks like shit. she might be prof that man did come from monkeys. i'm so glad i didn't come back to RLF. whats bad is i'm getting where i don't even go look at the free cams to much anymore
  15. i hate to see these two girls go. damn i'm so glad i didn't give RLC any of my money. i have just about talked myself into paying again. but now they gone nope i will spend that $45 on oil changes for my bikes.
  16. i cancelled mine along time ago and so far no regrets. i know i miss a few good shows but once you seen two people fuck you seen then all. that extra $45 a month can to to pot i can set back get high and see monkeys fly around my room
  17. I think its real close its going to happen or kristy is going to go to far and its going to blow up and one of them will end up leaving. damn I hope it happens
  18. is it just me are has every female got alittle wilder lately. I wonder if RLC had a talk with them all saying they are losing money and if they don't put on a better show they will be replaced. or something
  19. all I know is until I see kritsy's fingers or tongue in kami's pussy. RLC wont ever get anymore money from me. then i'm not to sure I will come back then. its free cams for me from now on. they had one long timer leave two new cams pop up and leave real fast and 3 cams on vacation. no way will they get my money for awhile
  20. she scares me when she cuts with a knife. she always cuts toward herself. and damn I would hate to see that body get fucked up
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