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Everything posted by Rhdem

  1. the guy in blue have the uniform of USS enterprise (star trek)
  2. lol... true! he know well the home... maybe he's the owner?
  3. i think he saying that: the foursome is ruined
  4. i agree they need more active people and not alcoholics zombies
  5. nope i don't have sub for now... i'm waiting better times
  6. true sorry i was wrong... i forgot the time is +5 in this apt... because i always (true) ignored it , but Serena have changed my point of view of this appartment... so +3 from italy and the house... yes 20:00 in italy
  7. Serena have almost all a girl must have... she's cute, she have a good body, she's solar, positive etc etc and in particular she's quite
  8. right but if Serena come back to 23 here will be 22 only -1 hours from italy and the cam's time
  9. guys wrong topic... are you tanking of Jeka/Sara & Pavel/Alice in Lisa apt topic
  10. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banshee she (female) is a fantasy character ... a banshee is famous for her creepy screams EDIT : from italian wikipedia and translated : "banshee is often represented as a screaming, not necessarily wicked spirit whose cry has the ability to kill instantly, or other similar effects"
  11. yep, and this will be the first video that i'll go to see on archive when i sub
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