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Everything posted by Rhdem

  1. yes I did not see it.. we posted in the same time
  2. what happen in "The Room" ? they closed the door
  3. Iraq is not Iran or north korea... lol i think usa sites are not censored...
  4. goodmorning, what i miss.. who is this girl? are they ready for some group action?
  5. yes but peppenero is italian like me .. he don't need google translater
  6. i see only 1 female guest.. there is a second female guest??
  7. hahaha perchè nel mio quote c'è scritto antico? io ho scritto "vecchio appartamento" non "antico"
  8. invece Alex ha scopato con Bree se non sbaglio per ben 2 volte, una volta nel vecchio appartamento e una volta nel nuovo
  9. nice idea this is one of the things I would love to see
  10. ...and she's started again edit: false alarm ... damn this girl make me crazy
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