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Everything posted by Rhdem

  1. Alan pls stay away from home... EDIT: in the bedroom??? ok sleep well Alan
  2. Rhdem


    why almost all the videos in the archive are 5 min only?
  3. VH only not RLC pls I'm allergic to RLC ... lol and don't steal Hope85's pics
  4. only the "phoenix girl" can save them from disaster... she is person who take the initiative like last time
  5. do you know where are hiding? EDIT maybe in the toilet
  6. the last hope is a threesome EDIT: hope vanished... the guys are leaving
  7. what do you mean? A&A are not the managers? i dont undertand
  8. prove me wrong if you want but i see so much signs... many whispers in the ears... idk what they are preparing.. i hope something good
  9. strange signs on kitchen the timeline speak well ... ( i think they are choosing the groups)
  10. i don't undertand this "NO" sign when Ana start kissing her bf
  11. 8:50 CET and nothing happen here... they drink ...and drink ...and drink
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