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Everything posted by Rhdem

  1. ok nvm if some premium can see at ~19:50 - 19:55 in the living room cam2
  2. i saw her sad trying to to the bathroom but he stop her ... go 10 minutes ago in the living room.. i just ended my sub today and i cant look for now
  3. i think its a region... right? "the banyoda region"
  4. idk maybe we italians love VH? .. yes i'm italian
  5. this is not "the market"... this is a website whit users and this is not my data
  6. can you tell me guys where do u got this number (5%)... when we speak of numbers, we need always write the source, pls don't be like politics they shout numbers to random
  7. just for who say americans users are the first who look VH
  8. i don't think the apartment's life depends from CC, but from how much money they are able to grab in a normal apartment, but here we have not a "normal" apartment.. this apartment is strange and out of commons rules... they insult the users and this is very important but they still there
  9. ...and forgetting the free holes in a girl's body
  10. yes from their faces it's clear : they are waiting girls
  11. don't worry about it, all you wrote is possible and i agree when you say : "these tenants certainly have a good reason for doing so", cause in "normal conditions" they would be kicked off from the apartment
  12. Hello @martyen, it's possible but i don't think VH team is so stupid to accept clauses who give them disadvantages... just understand who pay the apt rent
  13. i can't believe they get viewers... timeline i always almost flat ; when they showering : flat ; when they bathing : flat ; when they sleep : obvious flat... results: -------------------------- flat
  14. lol i see now, but i let @golfer06 to post the gif like @Amy3 request ... it's so funny
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