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Everything posted by Rhdem

  1. i don't remember the name but the hair color was pink if i remember well
  2. true i'm checking the image on google and it's the same but a single eagle https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coat_of_arms_of_Russia
  3. A & A are the best they ignoring the others and go to the action
  4. ok the only couple is the girl in black dress and the adidas guy
  5. so 3 boys and 1 girl? or i starting to don't understand nothing
  6. cause tomorrow he will come for him (Tim)
  7. the guy is back.. maybe he want fuck zoi... i hope he don't touch any cam
  8. she's a screamer and i love it ... and remember she say Да only with Drew
  9. the black widow strike again! (cause she's always in black)
  10. you forgot the bots! ...useful for increase a number of viewers
  11. and this is why VH want we post here what happen better with pictures... to attract more people to subscribe.. induce to curiosity
  12. women .. only they are able to stay more than 30 minutes in the bathroom
  13. bathroom cam fixed thanks Tim
  14. the guest has moved the bathroom cam ... pls VH write "don't touch it" in the cams EDIT: write on cams: "don't touch it or you'll loose the hands and you'll kicked out from the window"
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