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Everything posted by Rhdem

  1. Thanks like always to explain ... i want to learn the russian too
  2. a consideration: i'm starting to think Jack is famale for VH...
  3. @waldi that is what i trying to saying but "the hope is the last to die"
  4. i know.. it's no easy to find a cute girl, blonde, azure eyes and high minimum 1.75 cm in particular for the "dancing guy" but "never say never" "
  5. i'd prefer this 2 boys inviting more girls in the apt
  6. he has not finished yet? 😆😆😆
  7. i saw three times Amanda visiting them
  8. she tryied but failed... why did not she continue?
  9. now he start to work on his dick
  10. she's leaving now ... i'm so sad... i can't believe it
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