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Everything posted by Rhdem

  1. yes i know but "bello" is refered to the word "the name" (the name = "il nome" is male for example: "il nome è bello")
  2. bello... ehmm nice! another italian/spanish name...
  3. hahaha i'm scared when some1 write "i open a ticket" in this apartment...
  4. some1 can tell me if she's studying matrices? Edit i've sudied matrices in 1st year of university
  5. because it's visible she's more then 20 and i don't think Kira is stupid and invite a teen in the her apartment Edit: they have already been warned 2 times next time maybe mean "kick out" from the apt.. so i guess they are more than careful to not make mistakes
  6. i guess she have more then 20 years for sure... Edit: i forgot to write: she is cute!
  7. WoW!! i like to watch from the loggia what happen to the city :D
  8. good morning girls new guests are always welcome
  9. i agree with it but Foxy have a Fox tattoo too on her right wrist.. (if i'm not wrong... or is it a cat?)
  10. the incredible hulk and spiderman togheter... where is Thor?
  11. damn! ... they are like NAS ... fortunately they don't live in st petersburg
  12. i agree they had sex in differently abysmal way (idk if google had translated it well ) of last time ... the expressions... it's all fake but.... she's damn hot
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