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Everything posted by yelt

  1. That can not be. Are you sure she is just finishing her high school degree?
  2. emnv emnvAdvanced Member Premium Member 282 Posted Saturday at 06:01 AM On 1/8/2022 at 5:40 AM, miscvoyeur said: So did Martina and Nelly fuck in the parking lot or not? Yes. https://camcaps.net/forums/topic/23527-martina-alberto-home-activities-2022-1/?do=findComment&comment=1636340576
  3. Thank you... I am a member of a family whose brother committed suicide. Not that it matters to you or anyone on this forum. I understand the pain of that occurrence and remain a participant and sponsor of a group call the “Compassionate Friends”. The suggestion or mention of “Suicide” should only be taken seriously and should be reported if suspected! I am no expert but perhaps the relationship and substance abuse are an indication of some symptoms of suicide. We on the forum do not advocate this behavior. Perhaps we should no longer make mention of these two and enjoy in silence? However, the information of suicide I’ve shared is of my own will. I’ve shared this information as Alberto and Martina are sharing a portion of their lives with us on camera. We do not know why they have chosen to be exposed on RLC, although those higher beings might differ and commit to knowing. As I understand, Martina and Alberto were not influenced or force by you or me or anyone on this forum. Perhaps they are on RLC due to as you say a “consequence of their lives. Financially? Although wrong or right, whatever the reason their lives have been dragged into this forum. And it is the ones on the forum that insist on being their keepers (Martina and Alberto) when they themselves do not. I agree with the comments made earlier on the forum_”Bottom line here is that everyone loves Martina ... she is the RLC gold standard. Only thing I ask Martina, if you are reading this, if it is inevitable to be with Nelly, please do it on cam for your loyal fans”.
  4. Thank you. There was another time Michael's name was mentioned. On 122121, I was not provided the time, it was later in the evening: Martina and Alberto were having what I am told to be a serious conversation in there bedroom between them. Can you share the context of that conversation in which Michael was used?
  5. No..it is Martina’s head and the big guy has also slipped and mentioned the name “Michael”.
  6. My apologies. I will no longer utter your name in a post. Credibility? You just said "Yes" to the question they were “fucking in the parking lot. Do you have proof ? You also mentioned on the forum Martina is no longer seeing Nelly. Which is it?
  7. Well said.. A mega mistake for both! And now Martina is proven to be a liar! Untrusted! What will the forum discover next? The story lines continues and have us all thinking, right?
  8. You should ask Martina. She has noting to hide and wants you to know!
  9. With the information emnv has provided Martina is with Nelly now. She is a bisexual and in love with Nelly, married or not she has certain needs that can only be filled by Nelly. And by the way though it may be hard to believe Martina did work as a call girl over the summer! Alberto was aware and after a couple rough encounters, assisted with who she would and would not see. Nelly and Bogdan too were aware!
  10. Agreed! Martina is doing what she wants and has control of everyone on the forum. Everyone waiting on the edge, for what will happen next. She use to be in the promotion entertainment business, she has you all wrapped up between her legs. Is she faking being intoxicated, Is she really doing drugs or is that just part of the show. Has she ever stopped seeing Nellly? Was she really with Nelly the other night or was that made up to draw in the audience? Is Alberto part of the fake show? Is going to school even real? Enough, Stay tune.
  11. Martina is the one with the balls in the apartment! I hope she parties the rest of the day!
  12. Hello darkman, I too thank you for the honest translation. Although, I would question not your translation but from the response from Martina whether she did or did not fuck Nelly. I believe Noldus mentioned she left the apartment around 5pm and returned home at 2:30am. Where was she all this time and she does not answer Alberto's call? She ends up in the parking lot kissing Nelly with her moaning as they kissed. Why did she consent to the kissing in the first place, unless she was interested? Also, similar to previous rough sexual encounter in B4, where they were all over the floor and she suffered bruises. She returns with aches, pains, and bruises. Did she happen to mention she fell on her femur, lumbar or gluteal? Trust questioned?
  13. Adalbert, I agree with your comment here regarding the post from girlsfun2. However, I do not want to belabor the conversation there is no indication that she might not have tried being an escort. After all, it has been mentioned numerous times in the forum over the past year about her sexual prowess. Although RCL is a different situation and we may not want to believe it or have proof, she is performing, amongst other life activities including school, having sex for money in front of thousands. I believe all on the forum cheer and support her efforts with school and Alberto. It will be great to see her graduate and move off RLC. Together, they may have plans to move from RCL sooner than later. Let’s be real, life is full of mistakes and successes. I am a couple years older than Martina and am told I should enjoy life more and not be so serious. Martina is enjoying life the best she can, working hard to leave the present situation and for a good future. Let’s hope she makes mistakes now and learns what not to do in the future.
  14. I have to rollback my mentioned about Martina going out tonight to visit with her street boyfriend. It is 9am here and 1am in Barcelona, I am being told Martina is in her apartment. I was wrong! Perhaps I am wrong about a lesson learned; missing her nose piecing, did she also lose her watch?
  15. Adalbert, You confirmed gifts were given. Did they give gifts to each other? Martina gave a gift to Alberto and Alberto gave a gift to Martina?
  16. Hello DWI, I read the post from Darkman and understood it was a conversation between Alberto and Martina upon her return home at 2:35am. I am also told it was part of the conversation had between Martina with her friend earlier today.
  17. Sounds like Martina is feeling better. Turning into a Lush? With the holiday, she will most likely will do it again tonight with her street boyfriend, leaving her house boyfriend (Alberto) alone another evening.
  18. Always making excuses for Martina's behavior. So Martina and Alberto exchanged gifts on this holiday? Nice!
  19. Agreed..Let's hope he stays healthy. Only because he is living with someone who has now tested positive, he could go get tested before symptoms force him too. Or does testing intrude on his rights.
  20. Yes. Since Alberto is not vaccinated, let's hope he takes Martina being positive seriously. Also, if someone could advise them it is important for Martina to eat healthy, and to open a window to keep the air flow going in the apartment.
  21. Thanks for the information; I heard she might be as well. Is she going to quarantine? There are a great number of people testing positive (I heard Barcelona positive rate was up 47% last week from 3% the previous week) and those that are not testing are most likely positive as well. Fortunate for Martina she has been vaccinated, the virus will feel like a mild cold. Acetaminophen or Ibuprofen will help her to feel better. If Alberto has not been vaccinated and he contracts COVID, I hope his experience is a good one. But let’s hope he does not contract COVID.
  22. Jman9212, Thank you for jumping in! Appreciate your comments!
  23. I am hoping Martina and Alberto return home from a good time with family and friends. Also, that they had time together to clear Martina's head. Last week on the 21st, Martina and Alberto had a heart to heart, long conversation, about Alberto, Miguel, and Nelly. Seems she is being pressured and torn with getting back with Nelly, and her situation between Miguel (from the condoms she is hiding from Alberto, she may now be having sex with) and Alberto. I am not sure why these situations cannot wait until after school. A lot on her mind but I am hopeful whatever decision she makes; she continues with school. For those interested, and for those that may know, we may all find out something next week. Alberto may be out!
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