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Everything posted by yelt

  1. I just listened to a conversation between Martina and Alberto provided to me from Friday night 12/17 at 17:35pm Barcelona time, in the dark, where the one question that came to light was Alberto mentioning several times to Martina "He did not know what is wrong with him". Quite frankly, I was embarrassed for him listening to his conversation to Martina. I recall Martina and Alberto have been together for seven years and five on RLC. He has been hiding under Martina's skirt for three years using COVID has an excuse for not acquiring or looking for a job. It is unaccusable as I believe many would agree. It is time for Alberto to be a proud barceloní, put on his big boy pants, get immunized and stop being such a coward. If he requires medical assistance, he should seek out a good clinic or make a visit to one of the best hospitals in Barcelonès, Hospital Sanitas CIMA.
  2. Emnv, It seems they spend a lot of time getting a rental. Not just this time be before as well. Do you know why? The dogs maybe? Thanks
  3. Most likely not feeling 100%. As you heard earlier Martina is going to her hometown for Christmas. M & A having a New Year Eve party at there place, more to come.
  4. Thanks for sharing with the forum as oppose to having them in suspense. I was not going to bring it up but they have been planning the party for a bit.
  5. No need to respond. I can now understand why the thousands of other members do not submit, comment or participant in this forum. ddhm and deepdave you facilitate a very subjective forum for CamCaps. Good luck with your many secrets and ownership of Alberto and Martina.
  6. Did she go to school today? Hopefully she doesn't come back intoxicated with school in the morning.
  7. I agree; I would hope there was a lesson learned here. Unfortunately, similar to those with addictions some lessons are hard to learn, and no single treatment may be appropriate for everyone. I was hoping we would see some changes in Martina with the late night to next day partying every weekend. Although, from the forum she may not have partied much this weekend. Perhaps exchange the weekend partying for the 2- or 3-times mini daytime visits? Miss Martina is an independent female and as she has mentioned before “no one can tell her what to do”. In my opinion..She is already seeing Nelly or another Michael? As I have heard not from this forum but another source, Martina is engaged in some serious texting and quiet conversations away from Alberto. As a side note, I would guess Martina's priorities to be school (for now), friends, sex, family then Alberto and the dogs, in that order.
  8. Yes..A "personal moral issue at that occasion"? Do you think Martina has morals? With or without the consent of the boyfriend or husband of Nelly, no morals stood in the way of Martina having a relationship and fucking a married woman. A relationship which some say was ended by her husband? But considering what was seen by all with Nelly, the alcohol, the drugs, urinating on the floor, would the relationship have ended for those reasons sooner or later? Perhaps Martina does have a flaw. Can it be Karma_"What goes around comes around". I see some on the forum as always coming to the defense of Martina; always accusing others of speculation or fantasies, with the intent to derail the topic. For me it is not about whether she is or is not fucking off camera (who cares). It is more about those that do not want to believe the subtle visual activities on camera, and lest we forget the comment from her boyfriend Alberto mentioned earlier, could it be truth.
  9. From the statement above, sounds like Alberto knows what Martina was doing off camera. For all you that profess to know she is not fucking others off camera, should let Alberto know his statement was wrong. Martina may not have had secrets before that statement and told Alberto everything, she may have secrets now? Does anyone know what type of work Martina was doing prior to COVID-19? Did she get a job this summer?
  10. DDHM, I believe you are on to something. From my greatness friend of history and Greek philosopher, Aristotle and I have mentioned it before, “Suspension of Disbelief” for the sake of enjoyment.
  11. DDHM, I would agree with most of your comments, and you are correct about the before life with Alberto and Martina with RLC. Not sure she has her feet solidly on the ground yet much better now at 25 than at 21 years of age. Funny thing, I’m 27, sleep very little and still not sure of the correct actions necessary for my future. Martina is in college and should be serious, committed, and responsible. I also liked what you said about Alberto knowing if something were different? But would not agree with the statements about Alberto and his dreams. We just do not know! Perhaps Martina first then back to his life? He is far more intelligent than we give him credit. Stupid sometimes (lol) but intelligent. I believe you mentioned at some point in the event there was separation between them, Alberto may be fine without Martina, but Martina may not be so without Alberto. For me, it appears they equally support each other, though I think at times Martina may be a bit more selfish, forgets all about Alberto and the dogs, especially when it comes to being with her friends. Living for the moment perhaps. Martina had a relationship with another female before Nelly and may again? Although she has learned a great deal about herself as well as Alberto about her, let’s not forget she may consider herself to be a bi-sexual. And for that reason, may have more male friends than female, which can, may become complicated because they too can also be bi-sexual. Everyone has secrets! You, me, your partner in forum Deepdave, Alberto, Martina.. And yes, I would agree everyone makes mistakes and learns no matter what there age. Your comment about regrets “fucking Nelly inside her and Alberto’s bedroom must have been the worst thing while being with Nelly. As I recall it happened 3 or 4 times (including the one with Alberto there). That was just plain stupid on both Alberto and Martina. But…it happened!
  12. Well, that's good news. At least he has a plan. I hope he does not change his mind. Thank you for the information and correction from whomever earlier.
  13. Excellent! Thank you for responding. I read Alberto and Martina had another discussion earlier regarding him getting vaccinated; Do you know if Alberto agreed?
  14. Yes Kenpaul, I might think that but have witnessed the death from COVID-19 in several hospitals in a couple different country.
  15. Yes. Sounds like many have an opinion (which they should) on COVID-19 and all may possibly be open to dispute. However, is there dispute in 5,255,859 deaths and 265,863,058 confirmed cases from COVID-19 globally. Also, an extremely high number of people hospitalized and in intensive care (ICU) globally due to COVID-19. The cause and effect of COVID-19 has caused a tremendous strain on medical resources and medical equipment worldwide. On another note, has anyone ever heard Martina and Alberto say “I love you” to each other?
  16. I hope she is not ill. I hear there was big COVID protesting in Barcelona. Perhaps she is being safe? Does anyone know if Miss Martina is on a break from school or just taking a break from studying? On another note: I have said it before and will mention it again, it would be nice if Mr. Alberto would take his lady Miss Martina, (who continues to spark his life) out for dinner or bring her flowers or both. Has Mr. Alberto received his COVID vaccination? I heard infections and the death toll are up a bit in Barcelona. Mr. Alberto is in the 14% of non-vaccinated in Barcelona if he has not been vaccinated. He is also at risk at being included in a mandatory vaccination (close to being decided) order by the Health Ministry in Barcelona.
  17. Sorry, I did not understand. Are you saying big guy and Martina are in fact fucking each other? And they are planning a trip together? 😀
  18. Yes, I have explained but I do not have to explain anything to you!! Ever!! And you also don't instruct me to what I can and can not worry about. You don't know me and you don't own me.
  19. Thanks, Deepdave, I saw the post about the Big guys visit and ask a couple of questions. When it comes to Martina, is it not allowed to ask questions? The questions were not derogatory. I don't have live view so I ask a related question based on the post. Is this no longer a forum? I am not worried about the Big Guy, don’t know why I would. Even if you were her brother or a relative, I am not sure of your immediate attack and inference made? Even so, I understand he is a longtime friend and sometimes spends time with her and it also seems she may confide in him. While my person life is none of your concern, I have a short list of friends (very good friends, doctors as a matter of fact) of the opposite sex that I have never had intercourse. When in the states, I lived with my girlfriend, but I would never think of inviting a girl friend to the home which I am living with another girlfriend. If she came over to see us both that would be different. I have too much respect for my girlfriends (any of them) to do such a thing; besides I would think most American women may not allow that to occur without some repercussion or legal cause. Based on your response, I am thinking you live with the opposite sex, and bring your girlfriend(s) to spend time with you and your live-in girlfriend all the time with no issues. If that is the case, I admire you for that! I do understand people are different!
  20. Does anyone know if Martina brought the big guy home with her or did he come over alone? It sounds like they left together. How was Alberto's demeanor? Anyone know? Is she visiting the big guy again tonight or studying? Thanks
  21. I am appreciative and respect your response. Thank you. Have a good day!
  22. DDHM, Are you avoiding the question about what Martina may be doing the long nights away (not all the time) because similar to @Deepdave, you are in denial. You do not want to believe it but have no proof other than the translators are saying or not saying. Said enough times and we all may tend to believe what we are told. The translators know exactly with whom and where Martina spends her long nights out? I would believe that could only be truth, if they are with her or someone is providing the information to them (not Martina or Alberto), perhaps the big guy or Evan?
  23. Thank you Keeper31. It is about the good qualities of the forum and making exceptions. Alberto and Martina seem to have a number of good friends and relatives back home that I imagine would like to visit with them but know about the situation with the cameras. And therefore with the exception of a couple of Martinas girlfriends, may not visit for that reason. Her sister most likely knows about the cameras, but wanted to see how her younger sister is doing with school, her living situation and her medical conditions. While we cannot prevent those with subscriptions from viewing her showering, the least we could do is give her some privacy from all others including myself. I am sure her kids later in life would appreciate that as well.
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