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Everything posted by yelt

  1. I mean no disrespect girlsfun, but I would like to suggest no one post a video of Martina's sister. If you missed it as did I maybe next time. Let them have this one private.
  2. Yes, the post is old news, but it happened. But let’s just comfortably dismiss it because it should be forgotten and holds no weight in the purpose of me being accused of shaming Martina. And yes, there are no guarantees for most circumstances, situations. As I mentioned, it is by our own actions, we experience many difficulties and problems. When others are experiencing levels of difficulty, no problem. While I have not heard it in a while, and is also old news as well, and you would most likely contest, someone mentioned Martina is bi-sexual. She has desires as do we all but no matter how much effort is made, she may not feel as though those desires have been satisfied. What happens then? Bisexuality is not a bad thing if handled with dignity and you are not disrespectful to those who have great concern for your well-being. I am speaking of the one person who she was miserable too. Sorry, guess I mentioned again old news. Until that time comes when she reverts back and steps on anyone in her way, she remains in your mind and others, perfect. And perhaps even if or when the time comes, she founds another girl mate that suits her I hope the personality traits and actions of the past do not reoccur, but even so, she will remain perfect for you not accountable and can do no wrong. Right! I do agree that continued conversation and honesty will make for a solid relationship. I also believe that engaging in the correct actions with each other is necessary to maintain their future and depends on the correct understanding of those actions and their effects. All in All, I wish for them the best, that she cares for him as he does for her and grow together!!! Our conversations seem to be one of mutual respect and hope you don't take me to seriously. Do you think Martina is aware of Alberto's migraines?
  3. Yes. Yes, I suppose you might be right. Not to demean, you said that not me. Forgive me you are her knight. I don't currently have a subscription but can only read into what is being written here. Thanks for the information on the sister. I do know when Martina and Nelly were an item, Martina's personality was different than it is today because she does not have the time. You fail to look back or think beyond how badly Alberto was being treated by Martina although she was still fucking him on camera for the money. Also, how demeaning she was towards him because he did not have a job, calling him a Ne Ne as it were and talking about her Michael and their relationship. How Nelly was the best and made her cum over and over. Could the treatment Alberto received from Martina during this time be the reason he would dump in her and leave or was that the actor in him? How would you feel if your girlfriend or wife had many more boyfriends, and barely a girlfriend, spent the weekend nights partying with them and talking to them during the week? You think Alberto doesn’t think about that? It is by our own actions we experience many difficulties and problems. “Some people are very beautiful, while others are very ugly. Some people have a happy disposition that is easily pleased, while others have a sour disposition and are rarely delighted by anything”. Alberto is a good man who knows himself. I cannot and still do not understand the whole job thing with Alberto. However, in the states and here in Japan, there are many men, whom I know are stay at home husbands. But I didn’t think Catalan culture advocated this type of behavior from men. It is difficult for me to understand how one could have been so cold to someone you say are supposedly in love. I hope school, and the past experiences are helping her to mature emotionally and personally, but time will tell if they are on camera for us to see.
  4. Maybe at Nelly's down the street! If this is her mother, she knows Nelly well.
  5. I didn't think Martina had a sister, only a brother. And I can't believe her mother would be spending time on camera and not staying off camera at her other lovers house. And judging by the time of her arrival mentioned, Martina must have spent her earlier time after school with her real lovers place.
  6. Girlsfun, are you saying Martina is having sex with someone other than Alberto? It is possible you are correct. Although some on the forum say Alberto and Martina love each or are in love? From the past activities and all the circumstances that have transpired with her blonde girl love interest, the fictional Michael (?) and Nelly, I cannot identify at present this as love between Alberto and Martina but perhaps a good friendship and agreement. Tho I must admit love takes on may traits. If I were to advise Martina and Alberto, if they are in love, fix what is broken and have a good life. However, continuing the path and life they are on may eventually lead to separation and broken hearts. Martina, I believe is only 25, he is close ahead, they both have a lot of life ahead, partying and experimenting to go. On another note, just wondering, since Martina is so outgoing and Alberto is not, he has considerable size migraines (that can be control through medication and situational discussion), could it be he also has ED? With that said has she and Alberto agreed she should go out and have what I hope is safe external sexual relationships but always come back to him? Someone on the forum knows, some unwilling to believe it could so. Everyone places Martina on a pedestal because of her drive for education, to do something with her life, that is great, but everyone has faults. Why are they on RLC and how did she and he end up there? Martina has long spent Friday nights to Saturday mornings with her friends which over time have turned into weekenders when with Nelly (which included sex). I have read in the forum she is spending more of her time like she did with Nelly, leaving later in the evening and again returning the next day in the afternoon, instead of the early mornings. I would not be surprised if her days at school gets longer and longer, then becomes late evening to early morning returns to be similar to the weekend overnighters. Is that the result of school studies? School is grueling and can be after time the same routine can be a burnout. Especially as you work toward high education and beyond. But I assume it is to early for Martina to be burnt out. Just one other thing, it was said she called it off with Nelly, I would not be surprised as I have said it before, people forgive and forget, if she picks back up the relationship with Nelly.
  7. または大きなディックスを持ついくつかの男のために見つけ、大きな陰素と深い膣を持つマルティナのような女の子と交代します。彼女が今日戻ってきたら、彼女が一晩中自分自身をこすっているかどうかを見てみましょう。
  8. 彼女は男や女の子を一晩中持っていたと思いますか?
  9. 楽しい時間のように聞こえます。 しかし、それはマルティナであるはずではなかった、男や女の子をファック一晩中外出?彼女はネリーとの彼女の恋愛以来、それをやっているとは思わないで下す。 しかし、私はフォーラムで聞いて、絶えず思い出させられ、マルティナとアルベルトは良い愛の関係を持っています.
  10. Alberto seems to have withdrawn himself from social life. And with the cooler weather he no longer has the option of spending the day on bike rides. Besides signs of sinusitis, possible migraines, does anyone know or have heard if Alberto has any other medical conditions?
  11. I don't know. Never say never. As someone mentioned N is still in Barcelona and perhaps not far away. Additionally, people can be forgiven and start over. nagachilli2 comments: "It won't" You say "it won't" , but from what inferences of facts or premises? Was there an exchange of words so harsh the relationship can not be recovered? Did Martina find she was used? Was it the N drug and alcohol addition?
  12. I can understand the doubts but it should be no reason for the translators to stop responding with what they hear unless they are only addressing or providing portions of what they think we should hear. I agree we should not offend the translators or anyone on the forum, although some get a bit carried away. The translators provide as you mentioned a valuable, a good service for free and I appreciate it. However, with no disrespect, I don't agree we should think the translator are perfect with no faults. I believe in the translations I have heard but we all have our fun doubts and speculations of the scenes on and off camera. This is a fun forum.. right? Seeing is believing and since we can not see off camera, the next best thing is the translations we are sometimes provided.
  13. I don't know. Never say never. As someone mentioned N is still in Barcelona and perhaps not far away. Additionally, people can be forgiven and start over.
  14. I agree with you Nagachilli2. However, I am also reminded Martina had a relationship with a married woman which leads me to question her integrity. Had this not happened ..well. Also, It is possible she may not be confiding and sharing completely with Alberto but only what she wants. She seems to have more guy friends which she is open with than women? I don't think Albert is fawned of the big guy because he know the big guy has been inside of Martina. No proof it is has happen and no proof that it hasn't.
  15. I removed it! Martina is no princess and she has grown over the past year with all that has occurred. I hope she has learned from the events and walking the dogs is a start in 7 years of being together but we'll see. I hope she continues to party and know who loves her they love her back. Words are strong, actions are stronger neither can be forgotten.
  16. Martina is bi..although it should not have happened with Nelly, it would have happened. Alberto could never provide the same satisfaction as Bruno. Urologically, Alberto is way undersized.
  17. On another note and just a thought: The biggest problem for Martina might be that Alberto has chosen not to get vaccinated. First the dogs, now the vaccination. It will limit any to all opportunities, as he has also chosen not to get vaccinated for his girlfriend. Or is she his girlfriend? Or he her boyfriend? I never seen flowers, candy, cards or a romantic dinner. Just fucking! I also don't believe anyone knows Martina but Martina, even Alberto does not know her as well as he may think. If one thinks about it, how long would someone like Martina continue to go out all night most weekends with her friends without her boyfriend (?) and not be tempted to try another penis. We know she will jump on pussy straight away if the moment presents itself. What would you do? I would not even be surprised if Martina starts a sexual relationship (if not already) with the big guy (the one Jen calls Martina's Fat friend). How about an upcoming planned trip with taco and the big guy, if he can escape work. I know some will strike back about the sexual comments but theres no proof it isn't happening and no proof that it is.
  18. I agree with what you say! I don't know how long Martina has to go for school but I think (she and Alberto) have been planning to get out of this RLC situation for sometime. Sounds like you have the inside scoop!
  19. School is stressful. One thing even more stressful..Texting! Did Martina and Alberto have sex, make love or have benefits, this morning? If not, (just a guess) she will have that sexual need, late night tomorrow with someone else? There are signs Martina may be maturing? If she really wants to get Alberto involved, she would bring her friends to Alberto. Thoughts!
  20. I have learned through other translators, there are many ways that a translation can be correct. If you take the same conversation with Alberto and Martina and provide it to ten different translators, they will probably all translate it in a slightly different way. And all ten of these translations might be perfectly correct, and accurate. Have you ever seen a movie being re-translated from a book by different directors or producers? They may re-translate the movie because they feel that they can translate it slightly differently, putting their own take on the book through the movie, and perhaps modernizing it for today’s audience. Like the CC audience. Perhaps we shouldn’t be thinking of translation as something that is ‘correct’ or ‘incorrect’, but whether it is ‘effective’ or ‘ineffective’. In the case of Alberto and Martina, perhaps the translation was ineffective?? The CC audience provided negative feedback when they should just listen to what is being offered by the translator, be grateful and move on. Most likely translation is not a case of substituting one word for another which happens. Many times the translators are translating Spanish or Catalan and may often have to make fairly big changes to explain a version of the conversation, sometimes even cutting out some or half a sentence at a time. Thats my take but I believe anyone translating on CC understands the forum and shouldn't take it personally or too challenging; perhaps they should just move on? Continue to contribute translation? Any thoughts
  21. Absolutely..Excellent Point! Although not often these days, I and my friends look pretty rough after an all night of partying. Thanks ddhm.
  22. Good Forum conversations Glad to move on from club hours. I believe much of what is being mentioned is speculative. Although, DDHM has a good point about Alberto allowing Martina to go too far with Nelly. How some of what occurred with that situation involves respect for one another and immaturity. At one time at B4 Alberto did mention to Bogdan that is would like to be out of RLC by the end of this year. I wonder if his plans have changed. Has anyone heard if his lawsuit can through and he was reimbursed for loses? Alberto spends about 80% - 85% of his waking time inside the apartment. Regardless of his vaccinated status, he could still go out. And Martina has begun a level of calm conversation expressing her concern. NOT ultimatums, I hope. Alberto could re-engage the thoughts of going to culinary school. He does all the cooking and seems to enjoy it. Culinary would be a good career. He spends a lot of time with the dogs and does not seem to do anything to expand his knowledge or life experience. Last I saw, he was exercising. His girlfriend, if I can call Martina that, is looking to the future, trying to advance her life with a career field she likes and most likely will do well. Martina has a pool of friends; she seems to enjoy being with and spends her weekends resulting in overnighters. It seems to be Fridays too Saturdays, now it sounds like Saturdays to Sunday as well. And of course, hardly ever sleeping in the same room. Does anyone know what that’s all about? Martina is on a schedule now; Alberto sleeping in the same bed should not be distraction. What I see in the activity or increase lack of between Alberto and Martina (except sex) could possibly be the beginning stages of MDD (Depression Disorder) for Alberto. They are no longer growing together. And if the sex diminishes...it could be a more complex, uprooted, and difficult relationship. If Alberto cannot fully help himself then I would hope Martina would take the initiative, not saying she should be responsible (he must take some initiative) but would be the only one to engage him in to doing more, a little at a time. Thoughts?
  23. Thanks Emnv. I will take that under advisement and re-read the post. I would prefer the video but will see. In the interim, have you ever heard of or worked with blarlo? Pricey but effective.
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