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Everything posted by nack

  1. Hi Amy !! I am good,thanks for asking ! India is in complete lockdown till 3rd May so working from home all this time. It might extend or ease down in May. All the news coming out from USA is terrible. So many deaths and so many infected. I hope you are doing ok.
  2. Everything from this apartment has been saved.Not released yet.
  3. Entire 1.3 Billion people have been put under strict lockdown for 21 days starting this midnight in India. All 28 states, 8 UT’s and more than 700 districts.
  4. 76 districts including all the major ones like Delhi,Mumbai,Bangalore have been put under complete lockdown. Flights, Trains.. everything have been stopped till 31st Mar as phase 3 starts here in India. Thankfully we have had only 9 deaths so far. Over 400 infections though. Unless people cooperate and stay put, the virus spread will continue.
  5. 200 cases here in India so far. 5 deaths so far. Mostly elderly and a young lady (23 years ) who traveled with the virus and landed here from UK. No community spread reported. Most cities are under semi-lockdown as a precaution till Mar 31. Malls, theatres, temples, historic monuments all closed. Most of the MNC’s and other companies have ordered Work from Home. This Sunday, PM Modi has asked for a people’s curfew across the Country and has asked everyone to stay indoors.People need to cooperate to stop its spread. Social Distancing is the way to go. We are grateful to the Doctors, Nurses, Support staff, Police and other important public servants who are still working for us. God bless them and let’s be all safe !!
  6. Caps or no caps,The party and the 6some orgy has been covered.
  7. It has been done already by Golfer I think.Titled 'Morning Orgy fun,Feb 24' You will see it shortly. Edit : As i can see,the party has been covered as well.
  8. Alisa did not join in the fun. Guess she is ‘committed’ now.
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