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Everything posted by nack

  1. nack

    Sofia - Split 1

    Is that the same guy from the Party.
  2. nack

    Sofia - Split 1

    Solo Dance and Singing Performance..reminds me of a certain someone..the infamous..Christy only with less clothes
  3. nack

    Sofia - Split 1

    Anna and Alex are leaving
  4. nack

    Sofia - Split 1

    I think Shorty might get lucky tonight !!
  5. nack

    Sofia - Split 1

    VV Tweet Bad boys, we are reading your fantasies about sending big tits bae to Ivo and Toss. But they in different counties. No can do.At least ...
  6. I am not a member of RLC and would not join unless they add Recording Feature like VV. However, I managed to get a clip from another forum.Will PM you.
  7. nack

    Sofia - Split 1

    I like the way 'the tits' look at Alex.If only,Anna would agree we could have an explosive threesome.
  8. Hi Vicky1132

                               I Have been an on/off member of VV. I used to post here quite often but most of the members don't share anything.

    I don't know if you are a paid subscriber,but here's the last night action of Sofia with 'tits' fucking with Jacky BF.

    Not much if you ask me..he came quickly..too excited.




  9. nack

    Hi TMR1

                               Greetings from India !! . I Have been an on/off member of VV. I used to post here quite often but most of the members don't share anything.

    I don't know if you are a paid subscriber,but here's the last night action of Sofia with 'tits' fucking with Jacky BF.

    Not much if you ask me..he came quickly..too excited.




    1. TMR1


      Thank you for the videos.

  10. Hi Here2Play

                               Greetings from India !! . I Have been an on/off member of VV. I used to post here quite often but most of the members don't share anything.

    I don't know if you are a paid subscriber,but here's the last night action of Sofia with 'tits' fucking with Jacky BF.

    Not much if you ask me..he came quickly..too excited.







      Hi. Thanks a lot for the vids. I was a paying member when Anna and Alex were in Voro and then a bunch of stuff happened that ruined the apartment so I didn't renew. I just moved so I am still getting everything sorted out but I plan to join again shortly and I am more than willing to share videos when I can. Thanks again.

  11. nack

    Tula - Split 1

    Jacky bf has a weird way of cumming.He always places his hand in front of his dick and squeezes to prevent the cum from oozing out..and the fuck with tits was a short one.
  12. nack

    Sofia - Split 1

    She is gone for sure.
  13. nack

    Tver - Split 4

    I can post the video.Is it ok to post here now.I used to post here some time ago.
  14. Oh boy ! I haven't posted in LOOONG time but i do check out the forum as some of my friends are here (Unsy,mr1010,jabbath,natres) but the post by uppsala was disturbing to say the least.Cmon man that's the worst thing to think let alone post even when you did not mean it.It was offending.
  15. nack

    Tver - Split 3

    WTF is happening ?? Glad that i left.Could not tolerate violence especially against women.Who were these goons and where the Fuck is VV security.Is it the result of a deal gone bad.Whatever the case may be,hitting or threatening women physically is unacceptable. :curse:
  16. nack

    Voronezh - Split 13

    What's happening guys ? Anything to watch out for in the apartments ? Looks boring as hell ! :scratchchin:
  17. nack

    Voronezh - Split 13

    Where is Nelly's Guy ?
  18. nack

    Voronezh - Split 13

    I do NOT think that the new guy is not known to Nelly.They feel each other,kiss each other and are basically happy in each others company.Nelly would not want to share her BF with Petra.
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