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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. Before Malia left she spoke about maybe painting walls a different colour, if she could be bothered to do so.
  2. She was on the phone as she came back in, but i don't know who to and it ended soon after.
  3. It could be hormonal, but it's rare to see her this way. I mean the whole LB thing, the sleep pattern, the restlessness, Paul, maybe being alone isn't as much fun as she'd thought, all this builds up. She isn't too good right now. It's clear sadly. It's too easy to say because she dances, she's happy.
  4. See, she looks upset again. Things are bothering her. She's human, not super human.
  5. I'M getting over protective?? Have you seen the shit i get if i don't say she's perfect?? Even though i know she has stuff going on.
  6. So she's already got a cold, been sneezing and coughing, it's not that warm outside, and now on the shisha again. Is this girl trying to make herself unwell?
  7. Looks now like White shorts, no top = Dance show.
  8. Important to remember - They haven't been thrown, just bagged. Still there to bring back out....
  9. She put all the bears into a bag and was throwing them away last October after an LB row. Malia saw them and asked if she could keep one (the Panda), and it made Leora think twice, and she decided to keep them all instead.
  10. Ah did it. That was already in then. Now that DOES say something. However, she did this in October, along with something else one day. I notice looking, she comes out with a little smile into the kitchen, like "That's sorted". It changed nothing when she did it last year though.....
  11. Not that cluttered though when you think, after all, they were just in the room she doesn't use much, didn't take up that much room. It's the bag that looks more deliberate.
  12. The Teddy was one LB gave her. That's what she was hugging last night. But the Panda was from him too. So that confuses things already!
  13. Teddy bear is back next to the TV. The Koala and Panda...... In a black bin liner and put into the wardrobe. Sorry Aussie!
  14. She mentioned to Paul yesterday she has her paints which she can do something with, when talking about her restlessness.
  15. Neither do i, she clearly has things on her mind and she needs to get them sorted out. She had a very long call to Paul in the afternoon, but told him she is having trouble sleeping and is restless.
  16. She was fine most of the evening but then suddenly looked sad and sat down for a few minutes. She seemed to pick herself up later. As for LB who knows, but something's not right at all, she was a bit restless again and took a while to sleep, but she has had a few hours now thankfully.
  17. Let's lighten the mood! Just found that my Microwave oven, and my washing machine on a 60 degree cycle, on at the same time, both have the same pitch/note of Ab (or G# if you wish). So there.
  18. Now that is a perfect example of what i was on about, her erratic sleep pattern. Was on the phone for ages, finally started to go to sleep, 15 minutes later got up to go the toilet, came back - And straight away, picked the phone up to start all over again. Just quarter of an hour's attempt. She isn't helping herself, damn it! And i don't like seeing her like this. She may be a tough cookie in many ways, but she is also delicate, and human like anyone, and it would be foolish to pretend she isn't.
  19. The last fall out, 3 weeks ago, was fixed just 24 hours later. It's been one week tonight since she spoke to him, in the apartment at least. But how many times have we seen this happen? Only for it to suddenly go back to how it was. This time last year, she and Malia played for 8 full nights in some way after she fell out with him and ignored him all that time. Then she finally called him and it began again, everything with Malia stopped. She broke up with him in November shortly after that horrific Friday night, only to get back together 2 weeks later. They've fallen out, made up, fallen out again and made up again in the space of just 2 days. And i can't even begin to put a number on how many yelling calls i've heard (There were SEVEN on one night alone). But it's all her doing sadly, and if she is willing to put herself through this month after month, giving it yet another go....What does it take before one of them finally says "This has gone too far". She's gone through too much over him. No one's enjoyed seeing any of it, witnessing this great woman go through it all (and for what exactly?), and there is no way this looks remotely healthy for her. Especially as she has no one to chat to about it there. It has never worked, quite clearly. Yet we said this in November, in February, in June.....
  20. Brokk, it was the right time a long time ago, you've witnessed a lot of it. Month after month of arguing and tears. But she's put herself through it, she knows what she keeps letting herself in for. But something isn't right, i agree, things are getting to her, she is alone too much for her own good, and i think she's emotionally drained. She's told Paul she's tired, and tonight she looked like she was crashing. Poor thing.
  21. Hmm, she's suddenly looks lost in thought, crashed all of a sudden. Hugging the teddy bear. She needs a good night's sleep, by her own admission, she's having trouble sleeping and feels restless. In fact, she looks upset 😟 But i'm not surprised, if she's tired emotionally through lack of sleep and things on her mind.
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